This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: November-December 2002

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Cover Story

What can be done about the growing nuclear threat?
End the Nuclear Danger


Why do so many more women than men enter voluntary service?
Churches are helping many with mental illness find medical, psychological, and spiritual aid.
The ceramic arsenal of Charles Krafft.
'The work isn't over until we close our eyes and die.'


Advent is the time in our church calendar that redirects us toward our source of sustenance, the hope that God will come, and the promise that God is with us now and forever.
Sustainable development is impossible without the grassroots.
Nonviolence may be the untold story in Colombia's war.
What's the real purpose of 'mission trips'?


Why can't really scary diseases have really scary and obvious symptoms?
Saddam Hussein is an evil ruler, no doubt about it.
'Lean and mean' is the shapely figure to which companies are called to conform these days. It's worrisome that the mantra implies a clever business strategy.
Is breaking the silence always a good thing?

Culture Watch

When this book was published, the Committee to Protect Journalists had just named the West Bank as "the worst place to be a journalist." 
The Gathering of Spirits, by Carrie Newcomer.
I don't usually read memoirs. There are just so many of them out there, and the whole genre seems to have become self-indulgent or uninspired.
Mohandas K. Gandhi, political liberator of India and Hindu spiritual master, sought to translate Jesus' Sermon on the Mount into a practical political philosophy.
Since Sept. 11, country music stations have blared songs like Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the U.S.A." and Aaron Tippin's "Where the Stars and Stripes and the Eagle Fly"
A propensity toward evil within religious communities always provides warning signs, says Charles Kimball, professor, Baptist minister, and expert analyst on the Middle East.
Bruce Springsteen dives straight into the pain…and the ambiguity.
Alcatraz is Not an Island is a powerful documentary (which airs Nov. 7 on PBS)


"Why Not Attack Iraq?" was thoughtful and well written; however, if we had taken that attitude towards Hitler, most of Europe would be eating wiener schnitzel.
The thoughtful and tough-minded article on nonviolent resistance by Peter Ackerman and Jack DuVall was excellent. I liked all of it—except the first paragraph.
The Swedish appliance manufacturer ASKO dropped advertising that mocked eating disorders in response to a campaign effort by the U.S.-based organization Dads and Daughters.
Western Pennsylvania's Citizens Budget Campaign met last spring with the Pittsburgh City Council to discuss the impact of the 2003 federal budget on their city.
This spring, the Survey Research Center at the University of Akron surveyed 587 leaders of faith-based organizations with government contracts under federal programs...
For Chiune and Yukiko Sugihara
There's more to the Lummi totem pole than meets the eye. At a time when Americans asked themselves "What can I do?" in response to the Sept.
In the spring of 2000, a sold-out crowd of volunteers and union organizers, parents and students, hourly wage earners and salaried policy wonks, mohawks and buzz cuts, Latino and black...
David Batstone decries political and theological imagination in "Utopia: No Garden of Eden" (July-August 2002).
Wondering what to wear to the next Bible study or church potluck? Need high visibility clothing for jogging at night?
Thank you for the unmuddled thinking in Peter Ackerman and Jack DuVall's article on how to defeat Saddam Hussein without a violent war ("With Weapons of the Will," September-October 2002).
Colombia's U'wa indigenous group, numbering only 5,000, feared for their survival when U.S.-based Occidental Petroleum began plans nearly a decade ago to drill on their lands.
Weapons sales to developing countries last year reached their lowest level in eight years, according to a new report by the Congressional Research Service.
Much grace and gratitude to you and Richard Rohr for "Beyond Crime and Punishment" (July-August 2002).
Saddam Hussein with nuclear weapons would be a real threat.

Discussion Guide

A Discussion Guide for November-December 2002 Sojourners