"The whole world must summon the moral courage and technical means to say no to nuclear conflict; no to weapons of mass destruction; no to an arms race which robs the poor and the vulnerable; and no to the moral danger of a nuclear age which places before humankind indefensible choices of constant terror or surrender."
—U.S. Catholic Bishops, 1983
"…the production and deployment, as well as the use, of nuclear weapons are a crime against humanity and...must be condemned on ethical and theological grounds."
—Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 1985
"It is our belief that the continued development of newer and more destructive nuclear weapons can only make their eventual use more likely. Nuclear weapons' development must be halted around the world."
—Church of the Brethren, 1997
"We believe that the concept of nuclear deterrence, which involves a trust in nuclear weapons, is a form of idolatry.... We call upon all people and nations to renounce the research, development, testing, production, deployment, and actual use of nuclear weapons."
—Mennonite Central Committee, 1978
"...genuine disarmament and true peace require that reliance upon nuclear deterrence end and that nuclear weapons be eliminated."
—Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1989
"The General Assembly has considered reliance on nuclear weapons for security as idolatrous, and has stated that any use would be demonic."
—Presbyterian Church (USA), 1994
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