


Asylum seekers say they are “running out of options,” as they navigate immigration laws, insecure housing, and more in an epicenter of the U.S.’s unhoused epidemic.

“She said to me, ‘Pastor, I called because I want you to pray for me, [my husband] Doug, this country’ — and finally she said — ‘and the race I am intending to run for president,’” Brown told Sojourners on Monday.

I don’t pretend to know anything in depth about President Biden’s spirituality. But his decision to step down is a reminder for all leaders to look “not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.”

But our impulse to accept or embrace political violence can give us insight into the pervasive nature of sin and the necessity of spiritual formation.

Praying for peace and denouncing political violence are not at odds with opposing anti-democratic politics and a spirit of retribution.

Keegan Osinski on how libraries can help churches and how churches can help librarians. 

Faith leaders sought to contextualize the shooting, speak out against all violence, and pray for the future of U.S. democracy.

The development of the capacity of lethal drones and AI targeting, along with the expansion of legal and policy parameters to permit this with little restraint, have been pioneered by the U.S. and Israel.

Christians can make it clear to candidates that how they address poverty is a big part of how we’ll be judging them in the voting booth.

Despite the uptick in legislation protecting conservative religious belief, there is a growth in adoption agencies embracing inclusive practices.