Sojourners Magazine: July-August 1998
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Cover Story
The church in China is finding new openness—but only when the state says so.
The U.S. cannot expect to retain its weapons while lecturing other nations not to acquire them.
Thanks to all the Sojourners readers who over the past 20 years have sent messages lauding or lamenting what I've written.
The Sojourners experience stays with you for the rest of your life, whether you stay or leave.
At Kirkridge, we met students who have started their own campus groups to address some of the root causes of violence and insecurity.
Home schooling has cleared a path for our family to experience more wonder and more love.
Culture Watch
This issue has the final "Signs & Wonders" column from contributing editor Joyce Hollyday.
Murder of Monseñor Juan José Gerardi Conedera, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Guatemala