This issue has the final "Signs & Wonders" column from contributing editor Joyce Hollyday. She has been an important part of who we are; from the late '70s until the early '90s, Joyce was a Sojourners community member and served Sojourners magazine as an editor, writer, and speaker. We greet Joyce's decision to end her column with some sadness, but mainly with deep gratitude for all she has brought to us, and best wishes for her continuing ministry of word and service. We look forward to seeing her work in our pages in the future. Everyone working at Sojourners is, of course, only here for the money (and the free office coffee). But we also are cheered when we receive recognition from our professional associations. This spring we were honored to receive 10 awards from the Associated Church Press (ACP), including first place for four-color cover (May-June 1997); biblical interpretation ("Abuse of Command," by Walter Brueggemann, July-August 1997-which also won a first-place award from the Evangelical Press Association); poetry ("What Van Gogh Saw," by Raphaelle Kosek, July-August 1997); and Web site. Better than any award is when you let us know that we've touched a nerve (see this issue's three-page "Letters"), provided a healing word, or otherwise served to bring you energy and ideas. For that, you too have been recognized-our "Letters" section received a second-place award of merit from ACP this year, the fourth year in a row that the section has placed first or second. As this year's judge commented, Sojourners readers "are independent and original and write that way." All we can add is a hearty "Amen." And thank you!
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