This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: May-June 1999

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Cover Story

Yvonne Delk has always done more than live beyond the boundaries - by her witness, strength, and perseverance, she's helping to render them obsolete.


Peggy and Tony Campolo dialogue about the church and homosexuality.
The book that later church writers named The Acts of the Apostles might just as well have been described as Luke's second book about the things Jesus did and taught through the Holy Spirit.
With hoots and hollers, the pentecostal 'Toronto Blessing' invites us to celebrate a love affair of faith. But what's missing from this party?
Homosexuality should not become a litmus test of who's in or out of God's favor
Fifteen ways to strengthen your congregation's justice ministry with workers.


Genetic engineering and the character of parenthood.
Sterile seeds help corporations build a food monopoly.
Our values are revealed in the national budget.
Seeking common ground on abortion clinic activism.
Y2K as a call to community.


cup in a tiny, single-serving French press. Some mornings I rush out of the house and leave the coffee-making for someone at the office, but I usually regret this.
On the first anniversary of the day Spencer met you face to face.
President Clinton said today that recent reports of police misconduct had shaken people’s faith in the police, and he proposed several measures that he said would help restore that trust.
"What a waste it is to lose one’s mind. Or, not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." Tough words from a tough man. The man: Dan Quayle. The words: I have no idea.

Culture Watch

Through death, learning about love.
Seminary model looks closer to home.
Writer Anne Lamott staggers toward Jesus.
Living a contemplative a feminist life.
In the end, a paean to Life.
We walked into a plush four-screen cinema in the affluent suburbs of east Memphis and took our place in the ticket line.
A 15-year-old activist fights against child abuse.
Relationship as political critique.


Focusing the faith community's moral energy.
IN AARON McCarroll Gallegos’ article "Practicing What We Preach" (January-February 1999), he states, "Not that Christians were responsible for Shepard’s killing."
The article "Stone Upon Stone" (by Hans Hallundbaek, March-April 1999) brought tears to my eyes as I have a "son" in prison.
In a new report from Cambridge University’s World Conservation Monitoring Center in Britain, scientists say that humans have destroyed more than 30 percent of the natural world since 1970
Want to make profitable movies? Don’t make them R-rated.
Our lead CultureWatch piece is a profile of writer Anne Lamott, who some would consider, at least on sight, to be an unlikely evangelist.
Housing and Urban Development officials and Native American tribal leaders are launching a project to build and renovate housing on tribal lands.
Coalition stands for rights of public housing residents.
AS A GAY CATHOLIC, I deeply appreciated the commentary "Practicing What We Preach," calling upon Christians and church leaders "to work to change the atmosphere where gays are seen as less than complete human beings with the full civil privileges of other citizens."
I WANT TO THANK you for the January-February 1999 Sojourners with the three articles on the new movement to abolish nuclear weapons.
Wangari Maathai, above, coordinator of Kenya’s Greenbelt Movement, was attacked in January with several others as she attempted to plant trees in the Karura forest, near Nairobi.
In the first such case in nine years, the Internal Revenue Service has taken longtime activist and war tax resister Ed Hedemann to court.
"To overcome a nearly 400-year legacy of unregulated business and investment that gave us slavery, colonialism, and widespread human and economic exploitation, today we introduce HR 772." That is
I AM AN ANGLICAN priest living and working near Ottawa, Ontario, and I have enjoyed your superb magazine for many years...
I JUST READ online Robert Jewett’s article "The Abandonment of Trust" (November-December 1998).
Former boxing champion Muhammad Ali, the newly appointed "international ambassador" for Jubilee 2000, visited Britain in February to accept the Freddie Mercury Prize for the debt relief campaign.
Father Roy Bourgeois, founder of the School of the Americas Watch, testified last December at the extradition case for former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.
The AFL-CIO placed the Mt. Olive Pickle Company on its national boycott list in February. 
DAN BERRIGAN’S lament ("Letters," March-April 1999) about the general’s clothes in his post-repentance picture suggests several things to me
I WAS VERY touched and glad to see the article "Home at Last" (by Danny Duncan Collum, March-April 1999) discussing the realities of Southern life.
Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Mairead Corrigan Maguire of Northern Ireland and Adolfo Perez Esquivel of Argentina traveled to Iraq in March on a Fellowship of Reconciliation delegation.