I WANT TO THANK you for the January-February 1999 Sojourners with the three articles on the new movement to abolish nuclear weapons. Both the timing and the content of these articles are pure gift, including the front cover photograph of Gen. Butler, who recently retired as commander of the nation's nuclear forces and is now a leader in the nuclear abolition movement.
Those of us from the religious community who were involved in the anti-nuclear movement in the late 70s know the many ways Sojourners helped build a foundation of faith and action for that movement. In re-reading Peacemakers: Christian Voices From the New Abolitionist Movement (edited by Jim Wallis, Harper & Row, 1983), I am inspired by the foundation upon which the New Abolitionists seek to build and humbled by the realization of what the New Abolitionist Covenant requires of us now.
This is a unique opportunity for U.S. citizens to awaken to the rapidly growing movement for nuclear abolition, as projected by Jonathan Schell, Lee Butler, and David Cortright and envisioned by those of us reissuing the New Abolitionist Covenant. We can pray and work for the miracle that will bring together a multitude of civil society groups to successfully call the United States to negotiate a global treaty to abolish nuclear weapons.
Bill Price, World Peacemakers, Germantown, Maryland