Sojourners Magazine: August 2016
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Following his death in April, Daniel Berrigan (1921-2016) was lauded as a prophet, poet, and peacemaker. He was a tireless resister to the U.S. military industrial complex who burned draft records and poured blood on warheads. In this issue, Sojourners pays tribute to Berrigan, a "doctor of the Church," by sharing the words of students, friends, and family, all who saw Berrigan's life as "preaching the resurrection."
Cover Story
Dan Berrigan's prophetic peacemaking offers an inspiration and a challenge for all of us committed to a transforming life of faith.
Early, so early, my uncle began my instruction in death as a part of life.
'Doctors of the Church' Daniel and Philip Berrigan offer us a great service - if we have the ears to hear.
For Dan Berrigan, to 'proclaim the resurrection in word and act is an affront the State cannot tolerate.'
Dan Berrigan spent a lifetime standing against the hubris of policymakers - and religious leaders - who had lost their way.
Human trafficking is broader than sex trafficking. So why do activists tend to ignore the widespread abuse of forced labor?
In a world that tells black women their lives don't matter, cooking nutritious foods can be a quiet act of resistance.
A timely reminder for faith-based activists.
The simple acts of reading and talking together can be powerful catalysts for a church's vision and mission.
Must we choose between seeking justice and reveling in God's creation?
It's impossible to eliminate nuclear weapons and "upgrade" them at the same time.
Some who decry threats to "liberty" seem to have a partisan agenda.
Culture Watch
A Day for the Hunter, A Day for the Prey, by Leyla McCalla. Jazz Village.
The End of White Christian America, by Robert P. Jones. Simon & Schuster.
Fracture: Essays, Poems, and Stories on Fracking in America, edited by Taylor Brorby and Stefanie Brook Trout. Ice Cube Press.
Big Telecom has engaged in a concerted campaign to shed its landline phone business.
The notion of enemies sitting down and talking with each other is at the heart of the new Icelandic film Rams.
Reflections from the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C.
Having a front porch means regular congregations, planned and unplanned.
"Soon" and "urgent" are words that can keep us from seeing the deep roots of problems - and solutions.
The goal, Graham said, is the "total destruction of nuclear arms."