
A. Trevor Sutton 4-09-2020

A view of Bourbon Street amid the outbreak of COVID-19 in New Orleans. March 25, 2020. REUTERS/Jonathan Bachman

Jubilee is appearing all around us amid the coronavirus pandemic.


Herbert is an award-winning professor, physician, and editor who serves as the attending physician and professor of emergency medicine at the UCLA School of Medicine.

Instacart employee Eric Cohn,searches for an item for a delivery order in a Safeway grocery store. Image via REUTERS/Cheney Orr

How strange that to love our neighbor we must abstain from interacting with them in the flesh. Maintain social distance, and for the love of God, don’t go to Grandma’s house. These are all wise admonitions, but is that it? Is that the extent of what it means to love our neighbors in the age of COVID-19? Might the call to a Maundy Thursday depth of love ask a bit more of us?

Michael Conner 4-08-2020

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

Our bodies, entombed and separated from each other by our social distancing efforts, will be stuck in Saturday. 

Betsy Shirley 4-07-2020

Marni Bailey, a worker at a nearby group home for the elderly, uses her mobile phone as she stands in line outside Riverside University High School to cast a ballot in Milwaukee,Wis., April 7, 2020. REUTERS/Daniel Acker

The consequences of this election — voter disenfranchisement and health risks — will fall disproportionally on Wisconsinites of color. Take Milwaukee County: Typically, the county has 180 polling locations, but on April 7, there were only five polling locations available. 

Rebekah Bled 4-07-2020

Credit: Shutterstock

Christ’s life among us has always included both his and our bodies.

Gloria Oladipo 4-07-2020

Even amid a pandemic, I have heard a number of people continue their commitment to giving up foods that we societally understand as “bad.” In times of crisis and heightened levels of anxiety, the desire to better oneself — to feel control over certain aspects of one’s life — can increase. I witness people panic about the possibility of gaining weight while in quarantine or brag about their excessive exercise via social media. To be clear, there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to include more fruits and vegetables into one’s diet or wanting to devote time to exercise, but many restrictive choices around food are influenced by diet culture intersecting with one’s values. My eating disorder started in that exact fashion.


Dr. Larry Brilliant, an American epidemiologist who helped eradicate smallpox in the 1970s, and Rev. Jim Wallis discuss the current administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Brilliant outlines the moral, ethical, and scientific responses needed to respond effectively to the coronavirus.

Image via Reuters/Yves Herman

This moment when you’re pausing to re-imagine Easter worship is ripe with possibility. How can you invite folks in the congregation to share and to lead? Yes, you can invite specific individuals to prerecord Scripture readings or prayers, but why not let them share their hearts? Ask a few folks to share, in 60 seconds or less, how they’ve see the body of Christ love and serve during this season.

Image via Travis Bara

As the plague continued to spread with every cough, they blamed a lunar eclipse and the malignant forces of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars for deadly vapors arriving on currents of air, passing into the blood stream. They hypothesized that this “corrupted air … penetrates to the heart” and “destroys the life force.” From where else could this curse have come? A product of “divine will” they decreed, and urged the people “to return humbly to God.”


As the nation tries to slow the advance of the coronavirus pandemic, most of the nation is engaged in responsible social distancing. In this episode of our Sunday Sermon in a Pandemic series, Sojourners Executive Director Adam Taylor and Rev. Jim Wallis share their thoughts on biblical teachings that can guide us through these times when the staggering devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic ravages our nation — and the world — after months of unconscionable inaction by President Trump.

Aaron E. Sanchez 4-03-2020

President Donald Trump listens to a question during the daily coronavirus response briefing at the White House in Washington, April 2, 2020. REUTERS/Tom Brenner

COVID-19 ignores the social constructs we've made to disregard one another. 

Jim Wallis 4-02-2020

FILE PHOTO: A doctor wears a protective mask as he walks outside Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan in New York City. April 1, 2020. REUTERS/Brendan Mcdermid

The likely death toll numbers confirmed this week by medical authorities as a result of the coronavirus pandemic are staggering.

Jennifer Butler 4-01-2020

Faith leaders are working creatively to spread the word about the census by posting information on social media, preaching on the census during remote worship services, and placing op-eds in local outlets. We will not let a global pandemic stop us from making sure every person in this country receives the representation and resources they deserve.

Michael Rothbaum 4-01-2020

We have survived catastrophe in the past. And not just survived – ultimately, we thrived.

Sarah Jobe 4-01-2020

Photo by Katherine Gu on Unsplash

This past Sunday, some of the only Christians legally permitted to gather in person for worship in many states were those of us who gathered for worship in prisons. I am a chaplain at a women’s minimum custody prison, and I welcomed my congregation to worship with the words, “Tonight we are not just worshipping for ourselves. We are standing in the gap for Christians in the whole state and in much of the nation who are not permitted to gather together to read the lectionary, say the Lord’s Prayer, or celebrate the Eucharist.'


CBPP President Bob Greenstein examines what the $2 trillion stimulus bill means for Americans.

Jamar A. Boyd II 3-30-2020

Barbara Jordan  September 25, 1974. Image via Wikimedia Commons. 

Being black in America is a privilege coupled with unique challenges. The privilege is possessing a heritage authentic to only our diaspora no matter how littered and pained our history may be. As a black man, I did not understand the challenges wholly until I grew older. For black women, the challenges are similar but with added layers that exist because of our American male driven capitalistic based economic silo.

The plague of Florence in 1348, as described in Boccaccio's Decameron. Etching by L. Sabatelli after himself. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. 

Between 1347 and 1352, 'The Great Mortality' touched a third of Europe's population. 

Jim Wallis 3-26-2020

A woman recites the "Our Father" with a rosary in her hand in the window of her home, in Grosseto, Italy, March 25, 2020. REUTERS/Jennifer Lorenzini

As President Trump has said he’d like to see “packed churches all over our country” on Easter Sunday to help him re-open the country and restart the economy, which he apparently thinks will help him get re-elected, we need the words of the Lord’s Prayer more than ever. The call to reopen comes despite the exact opposite instructions from health are professionals, along with governors and mayors across our nation, to maintain our social distance and closures until the danger of this modern plague are past us. Trump’s dangerous invitation to take our worship and prayers back into our churches before it is safe to do so is not only monstrous political irresponsibility, but religious sacrilege.