
Eileen Mignoni 3-10-2010

"John came from Acapulco, Mexico, three years ago. He was 15. He enrolled in high school and excelled. He learned English quickly and made his father proud.

Julie Clawson 3-10-2010
I was intrigued recently over a story I saw on the news
Michael Hidalgo 3-09-2010

Recently Glenn Beck made some comments about leaving a church if the priest or pastor speaks about "social justice." He instructed his listeners to "look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church Web site" and then, should they find those words, told t

Jeannie Choi 3-08-2010

Over the past few days, I've had the privilege of representing Sojourners magazine at the annual Faith and Politics civil rights pilgrimage led by Congressman John Lewis.

Jeannie Choi 3-08-2010
This weekend I have the privilege of representing Sojourners magazine at the annual
Jim Wallis 3-04-2010

The window is closing on comprehensive immigration reform. At least that's what the politicians in Washington are saying. They're afraid of more demagoguery. They're afraid of upcoming elections. They're afraid of the politics of fear.

Jim Wallis 2-26-2010

Did you watch any of the health-care summit yesterday in Washington? Guess what? The Republicans and Democrats are divided and likely can't find any common ground.

Jim Wallis 2-25-2010

Yesterday, the Senate passed a jobs bill by a 70-28 vote, showing that even in today's polarized political climate, bipartisan solutions to the major problems facing the country are still

Bryan Farrell 2-25-2010
On the one hand, as a new CNN poll shows, 11 percent of Americans i

Good will is a primary element of moral conduct. This is an important idea in the thought of philosopher Immanuel Kant. A good will is good in itself because it does not depend upon whether or not the person will benefit from a particular action or not.

Julie Clawson 2-24-2010
I knew I was dreaming when Michelle Obama sat down across from me. I was wearing a formal dress sitting on one of the tall bar stools at our local pub, in the quiet back corner near the dartboard.
Elizabeth Palmberg 2-24-2010
A new report this week tells us that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (aka the stimulus bill), now a year old, so far is responsible for saving or creating roughly http://www.was

Often when Sojourners addresses issues relating to Israel and Palestine, we're accused of anti-Israel bias.

John Gehring 2-19-2010
The recent blizzard of bunk coming from climate change deniers giddy over the recent Snowmageddon that paralyzed the nation's capital is a classic case of putting ideology and politics before scien
Jim Wallis 2-17-2010
Sometimes things get so bad that you really don't know what to say or do. When that happens, it's a good time to fast and pray.
Benedict Rogers 2-12-2010

Google's vow to pull out of China last month was partly based on the discovery that human rights activists' Gmail accounts had been hacked into, purportedly by Chinese intelligence. As a human rights advocate, this is worrying news for all who seek to fight for justice around the world.