
Jim Wallis 9-29-2009
With an issue like health, deeply personal, but of great public concern, the faith community has a unique and important role to play -- to define and raise the moral issues beneath the policy debat
Edward Gilbreath 9-28-2009
Sixteen Christian leaders talk faith, policy, justice, and reform. Featuring Jim Wallis, Harry R.
There is some good conversation going around God's Politics partner blogs about what role race is playing in the current wave of opposition to Obama's policies, including Rep.
Lisa Sharon Harper 9-25-2009
The following is a message delivered at the "Stand for Freedom in Iran" rally that took place yesterday at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, across from the United Nations.

Just peace theory is the middle way between pacifism and just war theory. It recognizes the moral force of nonviolence and the goal of a world that solves its disputes through nonviolent means.
Becky Garrison 9-23-2009
To commemorate the International Day of Peace (September 21st), I had the opportunity to attend a screening of the documentary Pray the Devil Bac
Arthur Waskow 9-23-2009

During these days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Jews are called on to reexamine our own actions -- our "missings of the mark." The emphasis is on OUR sins -- not those of individuals alone, but of the community -- and the sins of ourselves, not of other people, even our en

Efrem Smith 9-22-2009
It's always hard to narrow down Pastor Efrem's sermons to a few key minutes, and this one was no exception. Preaching from Matthew 25, he puts some extended focus on the health-care debate.
I, perhaps recklessly, began to think that the debate on black hair had finally been put to rest, that black women could choose to wear their hair straightened or natural, in braids, locks, or twis
Jim Wallis 9-17-2009
Here we go again. Some people raise the issue of race (this time about the ways others are talking about or treating the first black U.S. president) and the media goes crazy.
I love my fellow citizens who have taken to the street against President Obama and his plans for health-care reform.
Jim Wallis 9-10-2009
In his speech last evening, President Barack Obama made the commitments that a broad coalition in the fait
Diana Butler Bass 9-09-2009
I was too young to remember President John F. Kennedy. My mother worked on his campaign and hauled her baby (me) along with her to pass out literature.
Beverly Pratt 9-08-2009
I am a Latina sociologist and an activist-in-training who has spent substantial time with scholars and activists studying U.S. Latina/o communities from both professional and personal viewpoints.
Brian McLaren 9-08-2009
I believe our nation works best with robust and civic dialogue and civil debate.
Eugene Cho 9-08-2009
Most folks who've read my blog over some time should know that while I very much respect President Obama, I don't go ga-ga and drool over this man.

Sonia Sotomayor was confirmed more than one month ago, so why, you may ask, am I just now penning a blog about her historic appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court? The answer is easy -- I was scared. I was scared of offending members of the SMA community because of Justice Sotomayor's position on various hot-button issues.

Jim Wallis 9-03-2009
I have never really trusted those who are intolerant and condemning of other people's shortcomings. It makes me suspect they are likely hiding their own.