
Margaret Benefiel 11-03-2009
Thousands of protesters converged on Chicago last week to demand banking reform, challenging bankers gathered
Lynne Hybels 10-29-2009

When it comes to Israel/Palestine, the human story often gets lost in the confusion of ideology and politics. Let me just highlight the story of one woman, a wife and mother named Isme. Prior to October 12, 2009, Isme lived in a small but tidy one-story house in the outskirts of Jerusalem.

We continue the roller coaster ride that we hope will end with universal or near universal coverage for health care in the United States.
Efrem Smith 10-27-2009
This morning as I was running on the treadmill, I was also watching CNN. A story came on about a shooting in Washington, D.C. The police chief was speaking, with the mayor of D.C looking on.
Arthur Waskow 10-26-2009

For the next few days in Washington, D.C., 1,200 people are gathering in the name of a "pro-Israel, pro-peace" U.S. policy. Because of my broken leg, I can't be physically there. But my mind and spirit and 40 years of my work are there today.

Efrem Smith 10-19-2009
In this short clip from a recent sermon, Pastor Efrem encourages European Americans to remember their own immigrant heritage and history in order to inform their current attitudes toward immigratio
Rachel Anderson 10-14-2009
After all the financial turmoil that 2009 has already brought, one would think that it would somehow be logical and practical to bring accountable reforms to the same banking institutions whose re
Jose Morales 10-14-2009
What is at the core of the immigration issue? What is the driving force of the debate? I say it is fear.

Lisa Sharon Harper 10-13-2009
"I'm here to stand up for Jesus," said the anti-health reform protester to a CNN correspondent. "Government is getting too big."

Ryan Rodrick Beiler 10-09-2009
Every now and then someone to our right or left posts an article excoriating Sojourners or Jim Wallis for not being _____ enough, infuriated that we still claim to be _____ even though we're really
Just peace theory proceeds from the premise that peace is a day by day effort. It is a process that requires vision, skill, and courage.
Lynne Hybels 10-08-2009
Nearly five years ago my friends, Hector and Gabby and their five kids, entered the U.S. legally from Mexico in order to join the pastoral staff at my church, Willow Creek.
Julie Clawson 10-08-2009
So I've been having a few interesting conversations about my book http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0830836284?ie=UTF8&tag=sojo_blog-20&lin...
Eugene Cho 10-06-2009

I remember being instructed as a new Christian many years ago to pray for influential Hollywood people.

Jim Wallis 10-01-2009

Oh no, my eleven-year-old went to his first rock concert this week! Oh good, it was Bono and U2. That would express the feelings of many parents about their child's introductory rock and roll concert experience.

Efrem Smith 10-01-2009
I was recently talking with a European-American friend of mine who is also an evangelical. I am African-American and evangelical.
Caroline Langston 9-29-2009

There's one thing these days that it seems you can get everyone to agree on: They all hate Washington, DC.