
Jim Wallis 3-25-2010

Given Glenn Beck's threat that "the hammer is coming," I have been keeping my eyes and ears open to see and hear what attacks he might next make on us or the growing movement of Christians who share with us the call to

John Gehring 3-24-2010

While it's generally not worth spilling any ink over Glenn Beck, his recent attacks on churches that preach "social justice" has rightly earned the condemnation of diverse faith leaders

Margaret Benefiel 3-24-2010
The health-care struggle culminating in Sunday's vote brought out the best and the worst of legislators' and citizens' behavior.
Jim Wallis 3-24-2010

When Glenn Beck promised to devote a whole week of his television show to come after me, I wasn't sure he really meant it. I guess he did. Last night he began to make good on the threat he made on his radio show that "the hammer will fall."

Lynne Hybels 3-19-2010

I arrived in Bethlehem last Sunday evening to speak at a conference called "Christ at the Checkpoint: Theology in the Service of Peace and Justice." I'm not a theologian or an expert in anything.

Jim Wallis 3-19-2010

We all know how much the media love conflict, and they have fallen in love with the health-care debate. Yesterday's New York Times story on the final House vote expected this weekend simply said, "Showdown Near." That says it all about the gunfight at the O.K.

Marilyn Anderson 3-19-2010

I never doubted that I was a descendant of immigrants. Shortly after World War II, students were asked to fill out forms listing their nationality. For several years, I laboriously spelled out "Norwegian" until a teacher tapped me on the shoulder and told me it was more correct to write "American."

Sojourners 3-18-2010

Last night, Glenn Beck put a picture of Jim Wallis on his blackboard:


Jim Wallis 3-18-2010

On Sunday, a major march for immigration reform will take place in Washington, D.C. Tens of thousands of people will gather to call on the White House to lead, and put forward an immigration reform bill whose time has come.

Eileen Mignoni 3-17-2010

Linzi, a U.S. citizen, fell in love with Domingo, a Mexican immigrant, when she was 13 years old. They were married in 2006. They have three daughters together.

Rodolpho Carrasco 3-16-2010
I haven't heard Glenn Beck's call to "run away" from churches that teach social justice.
Jim Wallis 3-15-2010

Last week, when radio and television talk show host Glenn Beck said that social justice i

President Obama has postponed his trip to Guam, Indonesia, and Australia to work for the passage of health-care reform.
Ju Hong 3-15-2010

"Look at those illegals," my friend laughed, pointing at two Latino immigrants leaning against a fence nearby. I smiled and brushed it off, but inside, I was angry. I wondered what he would say if he knew that I'm also an "illegal."

Matthew Soerens 3-12-2010

Pastor Walter is experiencing firsthand the effects of a broken immigration system. Walter migrated to the United States from Colombia when he was young, petitioned by his parents, who were Lawful Permanent Residents. Walter's parents wanted for their son to enjoy the opportunities that the United States had to offer.

Eileen Mignoni 3-10-2010

"John came from Acapulco, Mexico, three years ago. He was 15. He enrolled in high school and excelled. He learned English quickly and made his father proud.