
Last weekend I was at a family reunion where I had been invited to show pictures from my sabbatical in the Middle East last spring.

Jim Wallis 4-14-2010
This post was written in response to the Washington Post On Faith question of th
Chuck Collins 4-13-2010
This time of year it is useful to recount the parable of the angry taxpayer (from the VERY New Testament).
Duane Shank 4-12-2010
There's an old story about a man and his wife driving into town one evening.
Arthur Waskow 4-12-2010

There is a biblical story in which Samson used the jawbone of an ass to defeat his enemies. Today some politicians seem to think "jawboning" -- talk and more talk, whether sweet or angry -- can actually win peace in the Middle East. But it will take much stronger action.

Jim Wallis 4-09-2010
The decades-long struggle to first reduce and then abolish nuclear weapons achieved two major goals this week that we can celebrate.

Jim Wallis 4-08-2010

The political polarization of our society has now reached a new and dangerous level.

I do not usually watch Glenn Beck's program. So many books, so little time. However, on April 6, while working on another project, my intuitive mind told me to watch Glenn Beck. So, I did.
Jim Wallis 4-07-2010
Yesterday morning, President Obama hosted an Easter prayer breakfast for a group of church leaders at the White House.
Julie Clawson 4-06-2010

I've been told that I am obviously not a Christian because I watch movies. Because I believe women can be pastors. Because I don't take Mass in a Catholic church. Because I've read Brian McLaren and N.T. Wright. Because I voted for Obama. Because I am not a Calvinist.

Jim Wallis 4-06-2010
Religious persecution remains a major problem around the world, whether by repressive governments or by one faith against another. A position of U.S.

When I was a little girl, Easter morning in my house smelled of vinegar and cloves. We were up early, before sunrise to see the sun shout. My father would attend an Easter sunrise service with his Masonic lodge, my mother would bake the Easter ham, and I would dye the Easter eggs.

I have a relative up in the Rust Belt who owns a small machine tool company and watches Fox News.

Justin Fung 3-31-2010
On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law the most comprehensive health reform legislation in decades.
Julie Clawson 3-26-2010
I grew up in the water world. My dad worked for the water department in Dallas and served as director of Austin water and wastewater.
On Saturday when the House of Representatives passed the health-care reform bill and on Tuesday when President Obama signed it into law, many of us who have been advocating for health-care reform s