
Melvin Bray 1-05-2010
"'Tell me what distinguishes the murderer at Fort Hood, the people we arrested in Denver and Detroit and New York, and the five people who were just picked up in Pakistan?'" Former House Speaker Ne
I do not remember where I learned the idea that the hand represents a pattern of prayer. I do not recall my mother or other teachers teaching it to me.
Eric Sapp 12-21-2009
'Twas a week before Christmas, and all through my city
Politicians were scrambl'n, it wasn't very pretty.
Health care and climate were up in the air,
Brian McLaren 12-18-2009
As I suggested in my previous post, I was troubled by some elements of the president'
Biblical wisdom teaches us to "give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (I Thessalonians 5:18).
Alan Bean 12-09-2009
Mike Huckabee is done as a presidential contender. That's the word on the street.
Margaret Benefiel 12-08-2009
The day the Murphy Report on clergy sexual abuse of children in Dublin, Ireland was recently released found me
Onleilove Alston 12-03-2009
Our country has a long history of underserving and mistreating African-Americans and other marginalized groups.
Chris Rice 12-01-2009
"Integration" and "diversity" do not express God's purpose for reconciliation deeply enough. What we need is a fresh paradigm that declares our new culture in Christ.

Charles Gutenson 11-25-2009
Well, they were all brought to you be political progressives, they were all opposed by political conservatives, and they all are now viewed as fundamental presuppositions of a healthy society by vi
LaVonne Neff 11-24-2009

In the first year of Gail Collins's survey of "the amazing journey of American women from 1960 to the present," I turned 12.

The gospel according to Aretha Franklin says: "R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me."

Biblical wisdom teaches: "Give everyone what you owe him. If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor." (Romans 13:7 NIV)

Arthur Waskow 11-06-2009
One reader wrote me to ask: " "What effect will the Fort Hood shootings have on the American public's perception of Islam?" That question asks us to be foretellers, fortune tellers, to predict.
Jim Wallis 11-05-2009
Most of the country probably didn't notice.
Efrem Smith 11-04-2009
In this clip, Pastor Efrem expands on the very familiar verse John 3:16.
Ryan Rodrick Beiler 11-03-2009

Thankfully, the crisis in Honduras may be reaching a political resolution.