
Jim Wallis 4-29-2010
We are all familiar with the famous pop culture image of a street evangelist holding up a sign reading, "Repent, for the end is near!" But repentance is actually a fundamental religious theme, and
Lisa Sharon Harper 4-29-2010

Certain moments in our nation's history have consistently opened the door for the least civil voices to enact evil through civil policy: think the institution of race-based U.S. slavery, the Indian removals, Jim Crow laws, legalized segregation, the federal protection of lynching mobs, and, don't forget, the Japanese internment camps, among others.

They were described using the first word on George Carlin's list of the seven words you cannot say on television.
Jim Wallis 4-28-2010
What do the Christian Coalition and the National Wildlife Federation have in common? You might think, not much.
Julie Clawson 4-28-2010

After the synchroblog last week and all the discussions surrounding the question of if the emerging church is too white, I've had a number of interesting discussions regarding the ways in which the voice of the subjugated other (subaltern) finds a space

The world is stubborn. It changes its thinking at a glacial pace. People fear change, and they come to hate what they fear. Powerful interests do not want to lose or to share power. The work of social justice, of affecting positive change requires persistent commitment and radical love that gives one the energy to continue the work across decades.

Nontando Hadebe 4-20-2010
Thirty years ago on April 18th, Zimbabwe celebrated independence and started a new chapter in its political history, full of promise and hope.

Last week, The Washington Post's On Faith site devoted their weekly Q&A to the debate over social justice which they titled, "Wallis vs.

Multiple Authors 4-19-2010
We wanted to make sure that folks saw this letter that circulated in the Irish Times
Jim Wallis 4-19-2010
Today, April 19, is the 15th anniversary of one of the most heinous acts of domestic terrorism -- the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building -- which killed 168 people, many of th
Isaac Luria 4-16-2010
It's the age-old question. Who can claim to speak for American Jews on Israel?

World Jewish Congress president Ron Lauder seems to think he's found the answer. It's him.

What is the Tea Party position on war?

Ian Danley 4-15-2010
The following blog is a response to the passage of controversial immigration legislation in Arizona.
Steve Holt 4-15-2010

The Tea Party Express -- the traveling band of conservative speakers, entertainers, and organizers -- stops in Washington, D.C., today on its nationwide effort to "vote them out of office" in the 2010 mid-term elections. Sarah Palin, one of the most galvanizing conservatives in years, has joined the Express in an attempt to bring more mainstream conservatives into its ranks.