Sojourners Magazine: April 2010
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Harvard Law professor Elizabeth Warren is the leading force behind the drive for a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency, which would serve not only as a check on some of the most egregious practices of financial institutions, but would also advocate in regulatory disputes on behalf of consumers’ interests—a much-needed change that banking interests are fighting tooth and nail.
Listen to our audio interview with Elizabeth Warren.
Watch our audio slideshow about life in Afghanistan from photographer Heather Wilson.
Learn more about privacy on Facebook with these resources.
Read a death threat from a Colombian paramilitary organization against a local church.
Cover Story
Dr. Elizabeth Warren -- head of Congress's TARP watchdog and veteran Sunday school teacher -- talks with Sojourners about facing down the Goliaths of Wall Street.
Why development, not military action, is key to Afghanistan's future.
President Obama underplays the importance of alternatives to war.
How social factors multiply the effects of natural calamities.
Jimmy Carter is imperfect; that's what makes him appealing.
It’s the largest federal budget in history. President Obama’s 2011 budget totals $3.8 trillion and contains a deficit of $1.3 trillion.
Culture Watch
It’s the end of the world for Denzel Washington in The Book of Eli, one of the legion of recent films (including one actually titled Legion) that suggest that while the earth ma
Bio: Senior pastor, Evergreen Baptist Church of Los Angeles. Web site: www.ebcla.org
Just War as Christian Discipleship: Recentering the Tradition in the Church Rather Than the State, by Daniel M. Bell Jr. Brazos Press.
I have a relative up in the Rust Belt who owns a small machine tool company and watches Fox News.
Sojourners has great articles, and advocates for people whom no one else will advocate for. But I will not be renewing my subscription.
According to a review of 160 socially responsible mutual funds, 72.6 percent of socially responsible large-cap funds outperformed their S&P 500 competitors in 2009.
I was deeply saddened to learn in Eboo Patel’s coumn “Bridges: Beyond Barrier, Bubble, or Bomb” (January 2010) of April’s experience in a student group at Carleton 11 years
With his blonde pompadour flying in the cold January sky, activist and performance artist “Reverend Billy” Talen preached through a megaphone outside of the Varick Federal Detention Fac
In the wake of Haiti’s devastating Jan. 12 earthquake, a coalition of faith-based and secular humanitarian organizations called world leaders to grant international debt relief to Haiti.
Thank you for printing the eloquent letter from Nancy Cannon in the February 2010 issue.
We at Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger are honored to be included in Jo Ellen Green Kaiser’s “Do What Is Just” (February 2010), but the article is incorrect about our founding d
You cannot hear them. You cannot see them. But Predator drones—pilotless aircraft typically used in combat in Afghanistan and Pakistan—are flying in U.S.
The Nebraska-based Oriental Trading Company knows “how to make the world more fun!” Their child-size crown of thorns is just the ticket to make sure your Sunday school kids know what su
Web Extra
For the casual Facebook user, it can be a little confusing to find all the available options for privacy control that are on Facebook.
While we often hear only about violence, many Afghans make daily sacrifices to make life better for their families and country.
Janna Hunter-Bowman’s commentary in the April 2010 issue of Sojourners, They’re Bac