According to a review of 160 socially responsible mutual funds, 72.6 percent of socially responsible large-cap funds outperformed their S&P 500 competitors in 2009. The performance data was analyzed by the Social Investment Forum (SIF) and was provided by an independent third party. Mutual funds promoted through SIF must meet environmental, social, and corporate governance criteria. “This analysis underscores the reality that socially responsible investments offer what are generally competitive returns,” said SIF board chair Cheryl Smith.
$2.71 trillion
Amount of the U.S. investment marketplace dedicated to socially responsible investing (SRI)—nearly one of every nine dollars in the U.S. investment marketplace today.
Percentage of SRI mutual funds that outperformed their projected benchmarks in 2009.
Growth over the past decade of community investing—the fastest growing area of SRI—a rise from $4 billion to $25.8 billion in assets.
Number of certified Native Community Development Financing Institutions focusing exclusively on Native American, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native populations in the United States.
Source: “Mutual Fund Performance Chart, 2009” (Social Investment Forum).
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