This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: May-June 2002

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Cover Story

Wanna do something about globalization? You might start by learning a little history.


Pura Vida coffee—like most companies—goes after profits, but what happens next is hardly ordinary.
An interview with musician Ani DiFranco—founder of Righteous Babe Records and folk-punk troubadour of the secular Left.
Fair-trade and shade-grown: good words for impressing your tree-hugging, java-loving friends. But do you know enough to convince the co-worker who's sold on Starbucks?
How to tell the difference between the good and a Good Thing OR What I learned from a domestic dominatrix.
An interview with environmental minister Sally Bingham
Architecture students at Alabama's Rural Studio raise shelters for the spirit.


Pursuing truth is always a risky venture.
The Nation of Islam leans toward the mainstream.
Just exactly how are nuclear weapons supposed to help us wipe out terrorism?
Among the many sad notes that have been played in regard to the Catholic Church's sexual abuse scandal, here's one that points to the depth of the church's disgrace: Various media outlets reported that, "prompted by the scandal," dioceses across the country announced the firing of dozens of priests.
It takes real faith to make change happen.


In Boston, more Catholic priests made the news as serial pedophiles. In California, two pastors got 4 million hits in a week on their Web site for people addicted to pornography.
The wise man built his house upon the rock.
For those who care about poverty in America, the coming months are a critical time, a turning point similar to the New Deal of the 1930s or the War on Poverty in the 1960s.
Want some free financial consultation? It won't take more than a few seconds, I promise.

Culture Watch

It takes the rare vocal talents of a singer like Lila Downs to silence a Madrid crowd—and convince them to put out their cigarettes without complaining.
"Come Mr. Tally Mon, tally me banana...." 
The film opens with a faint sound, a vibration that says something's coming, and so you listen very closely.
His image is used to promote cement companies and bakeries, and to sell music CDs, videotapes, T-shirts, hats, mugs, and potato chips.
When I heard about the death of country singer Waylon Jennings in February, my mind flashed back to the day I first bought one of his records.
The members of her New Orleans church call her "Sister Shocked." She's the Ms. Shocked who sued the Mercury record label under the 13th amendment—that's the anti-slavery amendment...
TV's first all-Latino drama broadens the cultural picture.
During the mid-1960s, traditional forms of private confession seemed to disappear abruptly from Roman Catholic practice, according to James O'Toole, associate professor of history at Boston College.
Moving toward the end of the Year of Sept. 11, my favorite things are books and music with insight into life's big picture, the meaning of the journey that we're all on


When one thinks about homelessness, it's unlikely that the terms "network" or "mentoring" come to mind.
Since 1455, the Benedictine monks of the Kloster Andechs monastery, situated in the foothills of the Bavarian Alps, have dedicated themselves to brewing a superior beer.
I was right with you in your "Report From Ground Zero" until I came to the sentence "If we did not see the face of evil on Sept. 11, we will never recognize it." 
From a Maine potato farmer to a Hawaiian banana producer, The New American Farmer profiles farms and farmers across the United States...
In our ongoing coverage of the bovine peace movement: Reuters radio revealed that ambassadorial cows are crossing the highly militarized border between Eritrea and Ethiopia.
More than 320 members of the Israeli Defense Forces have signed a pledge refusing "to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people" through "missions of occupation and oppression..."
McDonald's 29,000 restaurants in 120 countries make it the largest fast food franchise in the $112 billion-a-year industry.
I TAKE ISSUE with Joan D. Chittister's article "A Dangerous Discipleship" in the January-February 2002 issue. 
Family members of Sept. 11 victims traveled to Afghanistan last January to meet their counterparts—families who were the victims of U.S. bombings.
Little Mud Hut. Caritas International is building 425 adobe homes for Afghan refugees. Construction materials are mainly local clay and water.
I once met a woman who— in a frenzy of wild praise and to fight the devil—ate glass.
I want to thank you for Jim Wallis' article "Hard Questions for Peacemakers."
The Council on American-Islamic Relations in Southern California has launched a billboard public awareness campaign promoting good will between Muslims and their neighbors.
The waste produced by one chicken in its lifetime can supply enough electricity to run a 100-watt bulb for five hours.
It might seem that "globalization" didn't exist before the widely publicized protests in Seattle during the November 1999 WTO meetings.
THE ARTICLE ON discipleship ("A Dangerous Discipleship," by Joan D. Chittister, OSB) was good, but why do we think so small? 
Teen pregnancy, abortion, and birth rates have declined in the United States since 1991. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy lists 10 rules for effective sex education programs.
These weeks from Easter to Pentecost memorialize the calling forth and sending out of Jesus' witnesses.
The French agency Doctors Without Borders and the South African AIDS activist group Treatment Action Campaign are smuggling cheaper generic versions of three anti-retroviral AIDS drugs...
JIM WALLIS closed his editorial "Report From Ground Zero" with these words: 
There has always been crossover from Saturday night to Sunday morning, but a Christian porn site?
Since no one wants to be Chevy Chase in the National Lampoon's Vacation series, it has become hip to be an ecotourist
Friedensdorf, the international peace village in Germany, brought 8-year-old Mohammad Rahim and 30 other children from Kabul, Afghanistan, to Dusseldorf, Germany, last December for medical treatment.

Discussion Guide

A Discussion Guide for May-June 2002 Sojourners