Sojourners Magazine: September-October 1993
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Cover Story
Environmental issues affect more than the plants
More bombings beg the question of who is really in control in this country
The nation's education crisis is great news for Madison Avenue.
When schools mandate community service, enhanced self-esteem is often a result.
Reflections on ten years of ministry at the Sojourners Neighborhood Center
Culture Watch
The new fall television season is upon us. And with it for the first time comes the advent of network warning "labels" on violent entertainment programming.
RON SIDER'S ARTICLE on evangelism and social action was especially enlightening as we are trying to combine calling for repentance with taking responsibility for social sin.
WHO IS TO BLAME for the atrocity that occurred in Waco (see "On The Way," by Jim Wallis, May 1993)? The FBI propaganda is that Koresh alone is to blame. I don't swallow that line.
Examples of on-the-ground activism
After history's worst nuclear power accident at Chernobyl in 1986, the U.S. Congress instructed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to take a hard look at nuclear plants in this country.
THE CONCLUDING sentence of "Murder in the Name of Life," by Marie Dennis ("UpFront," July 1993), bears repeating
I MUST DISAGREE with Vera Boone, who in criticizing the Seamless Garment Network ("Postmark," July 1993) expressed support for the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) and said that FOCA was an important p
The garden itself isn't so remarkable: some tomatoes, sweet peas, and greens growing amongst the lettuce, zucchini, and assorted flowers in a 30-foot by 30-foot plot.
THE JUNE 1993 article "The Healing Game," by Gordon Bonnyman, was very interesting and clarified many things.