WHO IS TO BLAME for the atrocity that occurred in Waco (see "On The Way," by Jim Wallis, May 1993)? The FBI propaganda is that Koresh alone is to blame. I don't swallow that line.
During the 16-month period prior to the first federal invasion of the Davidian campus, that religious group bought $200,000 worth of military weapons. Add to those the greater force of weapons, including chemical weapons banned for use by the military, brought there by the invading forces, and the result is a holocaust.
All of the weapons were purchased from the following merchants of death: France, China, Israel, and the United States. China has the cheapest weapons, but the United States is the No. 1 gunrunner in the world. Business is booming for those four countries and two others, Britain and the former U.S.S.R. No other nation in the world does any significant trading in arms. Five of these six nations are the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council who could have stopped the killing long ago.
Those six nations' weapons proliferation policies and the media propaganda that we can solve all of the problems of the world by military conquest are to blame for the holocaust in Waco.
Jewel R. Johnson
Leander, Texas
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