This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: January 2005

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Cover Story

Bush has been re-elected, the war in Iraq rages on, and militarism seems the order of the day. What's next for those committed to the way of peace?
1. Support nonviolent direct action.
For peacemaking to be effective, we must not only say no to war, but provide viable alternatives.
Christian Peacemaker teams puts into practice the idea that peace work should be a regular job, not just a noble hobby.


The Amachi program gives people of faith the tools they need to make a difference for inmates' children.
For 40 years, The Other Side offered a vision of ‘justice rooted in discipleship.’


An opening for peace?
The common good is one of the ultimate moral values.
A historic reform movement is taking shape in the Muslim world.


Everything I need to know I learned in my parent-teacher conferences.
Neither candidate championed the poor as a moral value
In Jesus' life, touch was vibrantly political.
I'm the one usually throwing things at the TV.

Culture Watch

Turning on to life by turning off the box.
Book Review: American Dream: Three Women, Ten Kids, and a Nation's Drive to End Welfare (Viking: 2004).
A glimpse of grace and abundance from - of all things - reality TV.
An excerpt of the book: The Beloved Community
Book Review: Dorothy Day: Portaits by Those Who Knew Her (Orbis Books: 2003).


The largest gathering of American Indians in U.S. history came together in Washington, D.C., in September for the opening of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian.
Christian Peacemaker Teams members Kim Lamberty and Chris Brown were attacked Sept. 29 by five Israeli settlers while accompanying Palestinian school children south of Hebron.
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary
In this issue Rich Preheim profiles Christian Peacemaker Teams and the organization's recently retired first director, Gene Stoltzfus.
Letter to the Editors
U.S. Border Patrol agents recovered a life-size statue of the crucified Christ, without his cross, washed up on a sandbar in the Rio Grande.
Catholic Kenyan environmental activist Wangari Maathai won the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize—a first for an African woman and a first for environmentalism