In this issue Rich Preheim profiles Christian Peacemaker Teams and the organization's recently retired first director, Gene Stoltzfus. We feel close to CPT's work, sometimes literally, since the local reserve members used our office library for training sessions last spring.
We were horrified at the September beating of two CPT members in Hebron (see page 10). Kim Lamberty has been active in Catholic peace and justice circles around Washington, D.C., for years, and is a familiar face to many of us on staff from prayer vigils, public events, and parties. We keep her and her co-workers on the frontlines of peacemaking in our prayers.
We are privileged to have many such relationships - casual and deep, newly formed and long-term - with other organizations and people who are doing faithful and life-giving work. As with all relationships, this opens us to the possibility of loss. We were deeply saddened to learn recently that one of our oldest and closest cousins in Christian publishing, The Other Side magazine, was forced to close down operations. It was a stark reminder of the vulnerability intrinsic to magazine publishing and nonprofit justice work, and we grieve with our colleagues there.
The Other Side was a pioneer in modern scripture-anchored, evangelical advocacy for peace and justice. The courageous stands taken by their staff and the principled ways they organized their workplace and business practices challenged and heartened us. And we were nurtured by the lush art and prophetic words that filled their pages. We are honored to include in this issue some of the story of The Other Side, written by its long-time editor Dee Dee Risher. - The Editors
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