Sojourners Magazine: November 2018
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“Voting is simply the easiest part of the whole process for making change,” says Randy Woodley in this issue. And we agree: voting should be easy. But as Carol Anderson’s cover story explains, for some U.S. citizens, especially people of color, that isn’t the case. “Certain states and party officially are systematically thinking through: How do we keep our populations from voting?” writes Anderson. “Our challenge, in the face of this, is to do the opposite.”
Cover Story
A traveling troupe of actors, musicians, and artists celebrate justice through theater. A photo essay.
The financial and social toll of incarceration goes far beyond the sentenced individuals.
If the Right really cares about abortion, they should reduce poverty.
Scientific data can't capture sadness and fury—or hope.
The Sandinistas were once the people's party. What happened?
Christians in Ethiopia, Eritrea 'praise God for helping us see this day.'
Human-centered design can be a revolutionary pathway to social justice.
The administration is threatening the soul of this nation.
Culture Watch
All the Colors We Will See: Reflections on Barriers, Brokenness, and Finding Our Way, by Patrice Gopo. Thomas Nelson.
At Play in the Lions' Den: A Biography and Memoir of Daniel Berrigan, by Jim Forest. Orbis Books.
Worthy: Finding Yourself in a World Expecting Someone Else, by Melanie Springer Mock. Herald Press.
The founder of L'Arche says we need forgiveness now more than ever.
Big tech's ban of Alex Jones didn't tackle the whole issue at hand.
'The Happy Prince' and 'Leave No Trace' both help viewers find love in the midst of tragedy.