Sojourners Magazine: September-October 1999
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Cover Story
Students are discovering that, by serving others, the receive more than they give.
From sit-ins against sweatshops to lobbying against religious persecution, many students today are proving themselves to be anything but apathetic.
Generous Christians and other people of good will can end the scandal of poverty. But will we?
Ordinary people could bring about a more just society. But to do so, we have to work together. An interview with sociologist William Julius Wilson.
The poor are always with us. The questions is what we do about it.
The price of a Marshall Plan for the Balkans would be less than the costs of indefinite military occupation.
The emergence of the term "faith-based organization" in political discussion (and its acronym FBO) may signal one of the most significant new developments in American public life.
The continuing scandal is summed up in a 1997 Gallup Poll: The Christian church remains the one "highly segregated" major institution of American public life.
Culture Watch
By now the Littleton, Colorado high school massacre has become the cultural Rorschach test for the new millennium.
The spiritual vision of Vincent Van Gogh, Georgia O'Keefe, and Andy Warhol.
The Clinton administration’s 1996 plan for dealing with African debt was "mere public relations"
The ashes of Mitch Snyder, a renowned activist for homeless people, were laid to rest
in a June ceremony in Washington, D.C.
One-hundred and thirty-eight national religious leaders announced in June their support for the Freedom From Sexual Trafficking Act of 1999, introduced earlier this year by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH).
The Supreme Court upheld the death penalty in June, but that didn’t deter the Abolitionist Action Committee from holding its sixth annual Fast and Vigil to Abolish the Death Penalty
A U.S. military accident in Puerto Rico has fueled opposition to U.S. military bases
and troops stationed there. During a training session in April, U.S.
Some things come through planning. We planned to excerpt Ron Sider's forthcoming book Just Generosity, and for Jim Wallis to interview Harvard sociologist William Julius Wilson.
A bipartisan group of House and Senate members re-introduced the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act (EDNA) in June.