
Adam DeVille 11-06-2019

Image via Shutterstock/Natata

That guilt — whether over the privilege into which he was born, or from a sense of inferiority over never meeting parental expectations, or survivor’s guilt for outliving his brother Fred whose alcoholism led to an early death at 42 — is what I believe has motivated Donald Trump for much of his life.


In the second episode of this new season of The Soul of the Nation, the Rev. Jim Wallis interviews Secretary Julian Castro. Throughout this special season, Wallis will sit down with the 2020 presidential candidates to discuss the intersection of faith and politics. The candidates explain how personal faith has shaped their passion for public service and positive social change.  

Image via  REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

If we want to enact justice in any situation, we must listen to the voices of those directly impacted by the injustice. Those of us who served time on Rikers Island know firsthand why it has to close.  Any movement for justice that is not led by directly impacted people is charity, at best, but it is not biblical justice. Biblical justice empowers, while charity can disempower if it is not coupled with justice.

Daniel José Older’s novel is a powerful meditation on love and betrayal in times of revolution.

Stephen Mattson 10-31-2019

Photo by T. Chick McClure on Unsplash

Jesus’ love in action is clearly documented in the New Testament, providing us with a clear script to follow. Unfortunately, his “love-your-neighbor-as-yourself” way of living is contradictory to the cultural norms of craving power and security above all else. To follow Jesus means making — and staying loyal to — an allegiance to the kingdom of God rather than the kingdoms of men.


Jim Wallis, in conversation with William Matthews and Allison Trowbridge, explores the themes of Chapter Six, “The Fear Question” from his new book Christ in Crisis: Why We Need to Reclaim Jesus.

Jim Wallis 10-31-2019

I love what Jesus says over and over again, “Be not afraid,” eight times in the New Testament. When I was a little boy, we were told the story of the disciples in the boat. They’re on the boat and the waves are rocking and rolling, and they’re scared. But then they see Jesus coming, walking on the water, and he says to them, “It is I. Be not afraid.” 

Fran Quigley 10-29-2019

For two million home aides, the pay average is just over $11 per hour. 

Jamar A. Boyd II 10-28-2019

Kanye West performs at the Way Out West festival on Aug. 13, 2011 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Credit: Shutterstock. 

Kanye West draws upon the storied history of black communal worship and gospel music. 

Jim Wallis 10-24-2019

And yet, despite these positive global examples, our situation in the United States is not unique. There are autocratic would-be strong men all over the world. They're rising, and none of them are known to practice servant leadership. They’re known as corrupt. They’re known as unprincipled. They’re known as perpetual liars. They’re known as people who are serving themselves, people who are serving their own wealth and power, but not serving those around them. And while we are in a time where this authoritarian style is on the rise, it’s as old as humanity itself.


Jim Wallis, in conversation with William Matthews and Allison Trowbridge, explores the themes of Chapter Five, “The Power Question” from his new book Christ in Crisis: Why We Need to Reclaim Jesus.

Montgomery, Alabama/USA - June 14, 2018: National Memorial for Peace and Justice. Via Shutterstock 

It's impossible to use the language of lynching without calling to mind horrors like those visited upon George Taylor.

Meagan Jordan 10-21-2019

Stained glass window depicting Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in the cathedral of Brussels. Credit: Shutterstock


R&B singer Fantasia recently advised women to "let your man lead the way." 

Russell L. Meek 10-18-2019

Photo by Lea Fabienne on Unsplash

I have the right degrees from the right institution and I hold the right theological positions. I’m an inerrantist, I hold to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, and I am gravely concerned that our history of political maneuvering has cloaked a love for power in the language of right theology.

Matt Dodrill 10-18-2019

Former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger leaves the 204th District Court in Dallas, Texas. Oct. 2, 2019. Tom Fox/Pool via REUTERS

A racial leveraging of forgiveness followed Amber Guyger’s trial in Dallas.

Jim Wallis 10-17-2019

Image via Flickr/Ecco Homo

Autocrats and strongmen all over the world attack the free press and the idea of objective truth because they want you only to be able to listen to their truth. As Trump always puts it, “Believe me.” It's a way of governing that holds people captive because they depend on the strongman to tell them what the truth is. So when you take away the truth, you are purposely trying to take away people’s freedom.

Julián Castro recently announced policy to end state-sponsored discrimination against LGBTQ families.


Jim Wallis, in conversation with William Matthews and Allison Trowbridge, explores the themes of Chapter Four, “The Truth Question” from his new book Christ in Crisis: Why We Need to Reclaim Jesus.

Norman Allen 10-16-2019

Giovanni Bellini - Saint Francis in the Desert. Wikimedia Commons

Francis of Assisi met Sultan Malik Al-Kamil 800 years ago. 

Elizabeth Stice 10-11-2019

YouTube Trailer for Netflix's The Family. 

The message we’re sending to people in power is possibly not the Gospel message.