
Aaron E. Sanchez 1-14-2020

The impossible staircase. Tim Menzies / Flickr

I realized I minimize the miraculous.

This is what slow death looks like for the families of victims of police brutality.

Matt Bernico 1-13-2020

Bob Jones University sign at entrance on Wade Hampton Boulevard, Greenville, S.C. Sept. 2007. Wikimedia Commons

Denny Burk, a professor at Boyce College, expressed an old strategy of Christian colleges to defend 'orthodoxy.' 

Simran Jeet Singh 1-13-2020

Rabia Chaudry. Photo via New America on Flickr.

Rabia Chaudry is a Pakistani-American attorney, author, and podcast host. I first learned about her while listening to the first season of Serial, a groundbreaking podcast that covered the disturbing case of Adnan Sayed. Since then, Rabia wrote a book about his case called Adnan’s Story. She then started her own highly acclaimed true-crime podcast, Undisclosed, and she is now also co-host of The 45th podcast, which looks at important developments coming out of the White House that merit a second look.

Kaitlin Curtice 1-10-2020

Photo by Cassandra Hamer on Unsplash

“Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid.” —Frederick Buechner

It’s barely 2020, and we are already reeling, if not personally, collectively. Twitter feeds are full of Iran-related retweets of the president, when just weeks ago we were talking about impeachment.

Russell L. Meek 1-09-2020

Photo by Amaury Gutierrez on Unsplash

The church shouldn’t need a hashtag to shame it into taking sexual violence seriously. Abuse survivors shouldn’t have to look to Twitter and Facebook and blogs to find a place to belong, to be believed, and to give voice to their trauma.

Image via REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

In the aftermath of Vietnam, Congress passed the War Powers Act in 1973, over the veto of President Nixon. It stipulates that the president should inform Congress 48 hours after initiating the military in any hostile action, and then limits the president for 60 days in carrying out such actions before Congress declares war or passes a proper authorizing action. It was an attempt to find a compromise between Congress’ power to declare war and a president’s need to take immediate military action in certain situations. Nearly ever president since, Republican and Democrat, has bristled under its provisions. Further, Congress has largely abdicated its responsibilities to enforce the War Powers Act provisions.

Jim Wallis 1-09-2020

President Donald Trump is seen on a television screen as he delivers a statement about Iran, seen in the Pentagon briefing room in Arlington, Va., Jan. 8, 2020. REUTERS/Al Drago

Among the many foreign policy experts, former diplomatic and military leaders, intelligence officers, members of Congress and the Senate, editorial writers, and columnists weighed in on Donald Trump’s killing of Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani, most noted a complete lack of strategy. But what they miss is that Trump has only ever had one strategy: doing whatever benefits him and his own political and financial self-interests.

Simran Jeet Singh 1-06-2020

Rabbi Brad Hirschfield on i24News

In 2008 Rabbi Brad Hirschfield published You Don’t Have To Be Wrong For Me To Be Right: Finding Faith Without Fanaticism. In this book, he talks about his own first-hand experience of falling into fanaticism and what it took for him to climb out of it. I was fascinated by this perspective then, and given what’s happening in our world today, I’m even more fascinated by it now.

Jim Wallis 1-03-2020

U.S. President Donald Trump delivers remarks following the U.S. Military airstrike against Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad, Iraq, in West Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. 3, 2020. REUTERS/Tom Brenner

The words of Jesus must now be taken seriously, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.”

Rose Marie Berger 1-03-2020

Burning debris are seen on a road near Baghdad International Airport, which according to Iraqi paramilitary groups were caused by three rockets hitting the airport in Iraq, Jan. 3, 2020, in this image obtained via social media. Iraqi Security Media Cell via REUTERS

The attack by a U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone that fired missiles into a convoy carrying Soleimani was neither impulsive nor a retaliatory response. It was not undertaken to protect Americans. It was not an act of patriotism. It was not done to defend the U.S. embassy in Baghdad after the “dramatic but bloodless siege. If anything, it was in response to Trump’s increasingly untenable situation at home.

Sandi Villarreal 1-02-2020

Climate activist Greta Thunberg meets Pope Francis during the weekly audience at Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, April 17, 2019. Vatican Media/Handout via REUTERS

Before we run head first into 2020 and all of the stressors of the coming election season, we wanted first to reflect on last year — to take a look at the top 10 stories that shaped our coverage, the commentary that spurred conversations, and the reflections that stirred the soul — and how the work will continue in the new year.

Juliet Vedral 12-31-2019

Photo via 'Two Popes' trailer / Netflix

The film humanizes the two popes, while exploring their different ecclesial emphases: church as an inward-facing haven from the world or church as an outward-facing sojourner.  

Jamar A. Boyd II 12-30-2019

Photo by Nathan Bingle on Unsplash

With picturesque homes and landscapes, plantations promote a false message of comfort and simplicity. But the people who worked the grounds, managed the home, and fostered their families enjoyed none of the supposed serenity.

Jim Wallis 12-23-2019

Photo by wisconsinpictures on Unsplash

At Sojourners we have had a long relationship with the word “community.” It can mean many things, but it’s a phrase we cling to as part of our calling. A theme that we hear from so many people is that Sojourners helps them feel connected to a community of people of faith who care about social justice.

Jim Wallis 12-23-2019

Jim Wallis shares his thoughts and his blessings this Christmas season.

Gareth Higgins 12-23-2019

Contains mild spoiler.

Let’s start with what works.

Norman Allen 12-23-2019

Mary - Annunciation Full, Will Humes. Flickr 

Mary’s example is an especially powerful one in these troubled times when people insist that their truth is the only truth. 

Jim Wallis 12-20-2019

Yesterday, the website for Christianity Today, the flagship publication for mainstream evangelicalism founded by Billy Graham, crashed from the influx of traffic when CT published an editorial arguing that President Trump should be removed from office. The editorial said that whether that happens via the impeachment process going on in the House and Senate, or the voters in November 2020 is a fair question on which reasonable people can disagree, but that the personal and public immorality of President Trump, as revealed in the House of Representatives’ impeachment investigation, is so egregious that he must be removed as a matter of faith.

Gareth Higgins 12-20-2019

Photo via "A Hidden Life" trailer / Fox Searchlight 

In 2019, a good handful of movies left me feeling elevated; better still, the most joyful films of the year were also among the wisest.