
Jim Wallis 12-23-2019

Photo by wisconsinpictures on Unsplash

At Sojourners we have had a long relationship with the word “community.” It can mean many things, but it’s a phrase we cling to as part of our calling. A theme that we hear from so many people is that Sojourners helps them feel connected to a community of people of faith who care about social justice.

Jim Wallis 12-23-2019

Jim Wallis shares his thoughts and his blessings this Christmas season.

Gareth Higgins 12-23-2019

Contains mild spoiler.

Let’s start with what works.

Norman Allen 12-23-2019

Mary - Annunciation Full, Will Humes. Flickr 

Mary’s example is an especially powerful one in these troubled times when people insist that their truth is the only truth. 

Jim Wallis 12-20-2019

Yesterday, the website for Christianity Today, the flagship publication for mainstream evangelicalism founded by Billy Graham, crashed from the influx of traffic when CT published an editorial arguing that President Trump should be removed from office. The editorial said that whether that happens via the impeachment process going on in the House and Senate, or the voters in November 2020 is a fair question on which reasonable people can disagree, but that the personal and public immorality of President Trump, as revealed in the House of Representatives’ impeachment investigation, is so egregious that he must be removed as a matter of faith.

Gareth Higgins 12-20-2019

Photo via "A Hidden Life" trailer / Fox Searchlight 

In 2019, a good handful of movies left me feeling elevated; better still, the most joyful films of the year were also among the wisest.

Aaron E. Sanchez 12-19-2019

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg holds a town hall event in Creston, Iowa, Nov. 25, 2019. REUTERS/Scott Morgan/File Photo

Meritocracy fails to give communities of color the comforts and privileges of mediocrity.

David DeSteno 12-19-2019

Gratitude is the best gift for the holidays. 

U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Panmunjom, South Korea, June 2019. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Today, the space to negotiate peace on the peninsula remains accessible as both Koreas and the United States are not only aiming for peace and denuclearization, but on genuine economic cooperation.

Kaitlin Curtice 12-19-2019

Who are the lamplighters of our time, the ones lighting the dark paths we are journeying? What do they have to teach us about keeping up hope?

Nancy Hightower 12-19-2019

Poster on King David Street near the King David Hotel, sponsored by an evangelical Christian group. Jerusalem, Israel, 22 May 2017. 

Trump’s latest executive order is yet another chapter in the spiritual story created by evangelicals. 

The scriptures assigned to the church during these days of hopeful waiting are filled with warnings against unjust rulers. This is repeated frequently in the Psalms, in the voice of one crying in the wilderness, and in the prayerful praise offered by Mary. The Magnificat, whose words are sung and prayed hundreds of thousands of times during these days, speak forcefully about the demise of the proud and conceited — and rulers who act like tyrants.

Joey Chin 12-17-2019

Image via 1917 movie trailer 

That damage of war has been put on full display in films before, leaving many audiences wondering about the purpose of war films. Many films often placed strictly into the categories of being anti-war or glorifying war but 1917 evades easily falling into either category. When addressing this categorization, screenwriter Krysty Wilson-Caines made sure to note that she had no desire to glorify war.

Esther L. Lederman 12-16-2019

Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Robert Kraft, and others stand behind Donald Trump after he signed an executive order on anti-semitism during a Hanukkah reception in White House. Dec. 11, 2019. REUTERS/Tom Brenne

Trump's executive order undermines the freedom of Jewish self-definition. 

Simran Jeet Singh 12-16-2019

Abdul El-Sayed speaks at TEDx UofM.

Abdul El-Sayed, a Michigan-born American of Egyptian descent who, last year, very nearly became the first Muslim governor in U.S. history. Abdul is a professor and medical doctor turned politician and civil servant, who has a fantastic new podcast with on public health called America Dissected. Additionally, his new book, Healing Politics, will be out on May 5, 2020 and is now available for pre-order.

Lara Freidenfelds 12-12-2019

Visitation of the Virgin Mary, altarpiece in the Basilica of Saint Frediano, Lucca, Italy. Photo by Zvonimir Atletic / Shutterstock.com

As a historian who has spent a career studying pregnancy and birth, I always look forward to Advent. During the weeks leading up to Christmas, the scripture passages read aloud in Christian churches feature not just one, but two stories of miraculous pregnancies that end in safe and happy births. The more famous, of course, is the story of Mary’s pregnancy with Jesus.

Jim Wallis 12-12-2019

An Afghan boy stands at the site of an attack in a U.S. military air base in Bagram, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Dec. 11, 2019. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail

An explosive report was published on Monday afternoon in the Washington Post, based on the Post’s review of thousands of pages of interviews with people who played a direct role in the war, all previously unreleased until the paper recently won a multi-year court case on Freedom of Information Act grounds. And the report only gets more damning as it goes on.

Stephen Mattson 12-10-2019

Partisans use Romans 13 to baptize their politics as being “ordained by God.” But Christians who reference Romans 13 typically do so using an us vs. government relationship. But unlike the first century when Roman rulers were mainly determined by heredity, lineage, or brute force, today we are the government. There is no us vs. them because we play an active role in how our government works and is run.

Benjamin Perry 12-09-2019

Image via Christian Smutherman/Sojourners 

Too often, we discuss immigration as if migrants were objects, not subjects in their own journey. Individual stories disappear into the rhetoric of “tens of thousands,” retreating into statistics’ deadening numb. Lost, too, is the depth of migrants’ faith; the courage to sojourn as a stranger in unknown lands, fueled by longing for a loving future.

Simran Jeet Singh 12-09-2019

Charlotte Clymer is an activist, writer, and Twitter savant. She’s a veteran who served with the U.S. Army from 2005 to 2012, and she serves currently as the press secretary for the Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ civil rights organization. Charlotte is one of the most prominent trans activists in the country, and I wanted to learn more about how her personal experiences with poverty, the U.S. military, and being transgender have shaped the person she has become today. I’ve learned so much through our friendship over the years, and I’ve learned even more in this conversation about the challenges she’s encountered, and how and why she remains active in seeking justice and civil rights for all.