Sojourners Magazine: January-February 1999
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Cover Story
The end of the Cold War presents an unparalleled opportunity to abolish nuclear weapons--once and for all.
Gen. George Lee Butler, former commander of the nation's nuclear forces, became a proponent of nuclear abolition.
From beginning to end, Matthew's gospel intends to awaken minds, hearts, and bodies left for dead by the powers of domination and violence.
"You have not come to hear a detached, scholarly lecture about the two powerful figures who are on our program. I am deeply and unavoidably attached. Fully engaged.
It's all too easy to make fun of the extreme examples of prophecy belief that we encounter on bumper stickers and best-seller lists.
The brutal and tragic killing of Matthew Shepard last fall makes it clear that
Christians need a more mature response to the issue of homosexuality in general, and
gay-bashing in particular.
It is often assumed that younger people have no respect for their elders and even less
reverence for history.
The global economy is in shambles, the presidency is in crisis, and Americans are
struggling under the weight of a broken health care system. But hey, I've got my own
Early in the 1980s, I served a parish in Woburn, Massachusetts. This suburban city,
some 12 miles north of Boston, had boasted of tanneries for 300 years.
In November, once again, Iraq responded to a military threat and signaled that it would
allow U.N. weapons inspectors to resume their work. This was heartening news.
It is a clear fall day in 1986 and I am walking the block home from the bus stop. It is
my second month of high school; I am 13, a freshman, an artist.
Culture Watch
Peter Campbell's retrospective offers strength for the journey.
By now you've probably heard the news. The greatest rock-and-roll record of 1998 featured 50-year-old songs by a guy who's 10 years deader than Elvis.
MY HUSBAND AND I first heard of Sojourners when we lived in Silver Spring,
Maryland, while I was in the Army working at Walter Reed Medical Hospital.
IT WAS WITH great interest that I read Judith Gundry-Volf's response to the Southern Baptist Convention's statement regarding the duty of wives to submit to their husbands.
I accept the cardinal that comes to the tree...
I READ THE commentary by Robert Jewett ("The Abandonment of Trust," November-December 1998), and while I agree that by his "campaign of lies" President Clinton has damaged public trust in our political institutions
THE QUESTION "Is Islam the Enemy?" (by Charles Kimball, No- vember-December
1998) is so clearly repudiated in your current issue.
I WAS GLAD to see your excellent issue on the church and labor ("Good Works,"
September-October 1998).
The Environmental Working Group resigned last October from a presidential advisory
panel created to bring together farm and environmental interests on the issue of
BRAVO ON YOUR special issue on the church and labor ("Good Works," September-October 1998). One omission was any mention of the Labor Party, an alternative to the twin parties of big business.
More than 2,300 people marched onto the grounds of the U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA) at Ft. Benning, Georgia, on November 22, demanding that the "school of assassins" be closed.
In our November-December 1998 issue, the caption for the photo on page 31 was
Nuclear abolition on the cover of Sojourners? Isn't that awfully retro, a flashback to the same-old same-old? A high-ranking military officer in full uniform on the cover of Sojourners?
United Methodist Bishop Joseph Sprague filed a formal complaint in October against the
I REALLY COULDN'T believe what I read in "Big Labor and Big Business" ("Letters," November-December 1998) which included the statement "...the AFL-CIO doesn't care about people any more than doesn't care about people any more than does Lee lacooca.
Christ House, a residential medical facility for homeless men in northwest Washington, D.C., has yearlong, full-time volunteer opportuni
Shortly after World Food Day (October 16, 1998), Congress finally (by unanimous consent) passed the Africa: Seeds of Hope Act.
Top officials from the National Council of Churches and the NAACP came to the U.S.
Supreme Court in October to testify that the court should hire more minorities as law
GIL DAWES' CRITIQUE of the PBS Frontline documentary The Farmer's Wife ("The Face and Fate of Family Farms," September-October 1998) was excellent and, for the most part, I agreed with it.
DANNY DUNCAN COLLUM'S article "Diagnosis Determines Cure", as a critique of The Communist Manifesto, offered some fine insights into that 19th-century publication.
IN HIS ARTICLE "Is Islam the Enemy?" Charles Kimball states that "Muslims worship the same God as Christians and Jews."