MY HUSBAND AND I first heard of Sojourners when we lived in Silver Spring, Maryland, while I was in the Army working at Walter Reed Medical Hospital. We ditched the Army as quickly as we possibly could but held on to the subscription to the magazine, which has proved infinitely more valuable and enriching than our stint on active duty.
I am a labor and delivery nurse now, and a pacifist. I came to that decision the hard way during the first night of the Gulf war about 100 miles inside the Iraqi borderI was a slow learner until that time. God bless your efforts. The magazine has been an encouragement to me over the years.
WE WANT TO HEAR from you! Use our direct link to share your views. Or write to "Letters," Sojourners, 2401 15th St. NW, Washington DC 20009; fax (202) 328-8757. Please include your name, address, and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for space and clarity.Read the Full Article

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