Sojourners Magazine: September/October 2017
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On the surface, it's about cake: Is a baker with religious objections to same-sex marriage obliged--by anti-discrimination laws--to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple? But underneath the frosting, it's part of an ongoing debate in the U.S. about the relationship between civil liberties and religious freedom. In this ongoing fight, sides are split down partisan lines, with conservatives champtioning religious liberty and liberals defending civil rights. But what if you care about both? Is it even possible to support religious freedom for all while also protecting the civil liberties of LGBTQ folks and other minorities? In our cover story, Baptist minister and constitutional lawyer, Oliver Thomas takes a look.
Cover Story
When religious liberties and civil liberties collide, how do we protect both?
How a Lutheran preschool playground became the setting for a major religious liberty debate.
If one does not know the questions smallholder farmers are asking, then one's 'answers' are unlikely to satisfy their needs.
Like many others, I was moved by her compassion and courage. But that's not what really drew me to her. I was drawn by her doubt.
The world's family farmers, with their creative capacity to work sustainably with nature, are showing the way forward.
The story that often gets overlooked: The Affordable Care Act actually works.
Trump's plan to sell water systems to the highest bidder is going to cost you.
Culture Watch
Movies are Prayers: How Films Voice Our Deepest Longings, by Josh Larsen. IVP Books.
Before she was assassinated in El Salvador in 1980, Sister Maura came to an awful realization about U.S. foreign policy in Central America.
An excerpt from White Awake: An Honest Look at What It Means to Be White by Daniel Hill.
Unpaid organizers create genuinely meaningful support groups--and boost ad revenue.
We're living in a time where filmmakers investigate inner complexity and their impact on the lives of others.
We want to support religious freedom and protect civil liberties...but is that even possible?
We dream of a sensational fight, but have little appreciation for the mundanities of evil.
When will construction begin? Well, that depends on Nebraska.
Trump's budget cuts $800 billion from programs for the poor—and has a $43 billion increase in military spending.
"Bear witness," the peacemaker says. Say the things that happened.