Culture Watch

Wayne A. Holst 1-01-2002

When people think of Jean Vanier, certain impressions come to mind

Carrie Newcomer 1-01-2002

Friends, this song is called "I Heard an Owl," and it was written two days after the Sept. 11 tragedy.

Molly Marsh 1-01-2002

Grace Notes

Joe Roos 11-01-2001

Christopher Hitchens, in this illuminating assessment of Henry Kissinger's war crimes, reports on a filmed 1998 interview with Michael Korda, senior editor of Simon and Schuster. 

The Editors 11-01-2001

Four culture recommendations from our editors

For organizers: Theology 101.
E. Ethelbert Miller 11-01-2001

Besides watching baseball (especially Ichiro Suzuki of the Seattle Mariners), here are a few other favorites of poet and writer E. Ethelbert Miller:

Renny Golden 11-01-2001

It is the late 1970s in El Salvador, when peasants read the Bible and discover that they are God's hands, feet, and voice; if El Salvador is to be a savior, for which it is name

Chris Byrd 11-01-2001

Birminghamians live with their history more than most Americans, and Birmingham's story is linked to the nation's history more than most cities.

Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-2001

For more than 20 years, Elie Wiesel has been America's official bearer of memory, keeper of accounts, and arbiter of propriety regarding the Holocaust.

Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-2001

‘‘The [Harry Potter computer] game will feature a series of challenges, all inspired by the original book's storyline..."

Teresa Blythe 11-01-2001

Although a "show about nothing" may seem to offer us little to ponder theologically, we need only look at the Jewish tradition of seeking wisdom to see connections to Seinfeld.

Larry Bellinger 9-01-2001

Cornel West is nothing if not prolific.

Molly Marsh 9-01-2001

Jews and Christians is a great example of how magnificent television can be.

Rose Marie Berger 9-01-2001

Do you remember what Dr. Arroway (Jodie Foster) said, in the movie Contact, when she was launched by The Pod into humanity's first meeting with non-Earthlings? 

How does one approach the task of writing about a continent as diverse as Africa, filled with extremes of poverty and beauty, suffering and hope?

Bob Massey 9-01-2001

The first thing one notices about the handsome young man in the jacket photo is his two full sleeves of tattoos.

Ched Myers 9-01-2001
An author, biblical scholar, and itinerant teacher tells what sounds, sights, and words he's enjoying these days.
Rock has done the most to break down social conventions and cultural norms. So where are the gay rock stars?