Culture Watch

Larry Bellinger 9-01-2001

Cornel West is nothing if not prolific.

Molly Marsh 9-01-2001

Jews and Christians is a great example of how magnificent television can be.

Rose Marie Berger 9-01-2001

Do you remember what Dr. Arroway (Jodie Foster) said, in the movie Contact, when she was launched by The Pod into humanity's first meeting with non-Earthlings? 

Larry Bellinger 7-01-2001
On Spirit of the Century, the Blind Boys bring their strong and gritty harmonies to traditional gospel tunes as well as rock and roll.
Stacia M. Brown 7-01-2001

The Veterans of Hope video series profiles nonviolence activists from around the world.

Country music has always been cruel to its purest products.

Kimberly Burge 7-01-2001

Author of such novels as Atticus and Mariette in Ecstasy, Ron Hansen believes in the power of stories and in the role that they can play in an examination of a faith-filled life.

Beth Isaacson 7-01-2001

DiFranco wrestles openly with her choice 'to invite someone into her melodrama.'

William O'Brien 7-01-2001

One of the most urgent issues for faith communities during the 1980s was the contra war in Nicaragua.

Chris Byrd 7-01-2001
It's easy to defend the death penalty in the abstract, but much more difficult when you have to participate in death.
David Whettstone 7-01-2001

Jesus on the cross is best viewed as what that event concretely was, an imperial execution," says Mark Lewis Taylor in The Executed God.

The Editors 5-01-2001
Reading to provoke, perplex, and please.

Disney's 'urban' experience is cleaned-up, dumbed-down, and smoothed-over.

Bob Massey 5-01-2001

It only seemed like 2000 was the year of Limp Bizkit, Eminem, and Britney. Music of subtlety and substance was indeed made. This was some of it:

Kimberly Burge 5-01-2001

Tribute albums are tricky beasts. Any artist who warrants such acclaim will no doubt have a strong following with deeply held opinions about the merit of someone else singing those songs.

Molly Marsh 5-01-2001

You might wonder how opera diva Kathleen Battle, the best-selling computer game MYST, and TV shopping networks all work into a conversation about Christianity.

Kimberly Burge 3-01-2001

There are two unrelated things that people learn quickly about me. The first is that you probably shouldn't talk to me early in the morning. And the second is that I love U2.