Culture Watch

Molly Marsh 1-01-2003
An interview with Chris Hedges on our love affair with war.

The first time I played Waterdeep's new album for my housemates, they were up and dancing within seconds.

Bill Mallonee 1-01-2003

What are my favorite things for listening to, watching, and perusing? Well...

Ed Spivey Jr. 1-01-2003

Filmmaker Michael Moore loves to pick at the sores of America's self-delusions, and he's really good at it.

The Editors 11-01-2002

The Gathering of Spirits, by Carrie Newcomer.

Wayne A. Holst 11-01-2002

Mohandas K. Gandhi, political liberator of India and Hindu spiritual master, sought to translate Jesus' Sermon on the Mount into a practical political philosophy.

Charles A. Kimball 11-01-2002

A propensity toward evil within religious communities always provides warning signs, says Charles Kimball, professor, Baptist minister, and expert analyst on the Middle East.

Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-2002

Bruce Springsteen dives straight into the pain…and the ambiguity.

The Editors 11-01-2002

Alcatraz is Not an Island is a powerful documentary (which airs Nov. 7 on PBS)

Ryan Rodrick Beiler 11-01-2002

When this book was published, the Committee to Protect Journalists had just named the West Bank as "the worst place to be a journalist." 

Andrea Jeyaveeran 11-01-2002

I don't usually read memoirs. There are just so many of them out there, and the whole genre seems to have become self-indulgent or uninspired.

Mark Lewis Taylor 11-01-2002

Since Sept. 11, country music stations have blared songs like Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the U.S.A." and Aaron Tippin's "Where the Stars and Stripes and the Eagle Fly"

Molly Marsh 9-01-2002

Father John McNamee is a priest in the Philadelphia 'hood with a tough job.

Julienne Gage 9-01-2002

Spokane Indian Sherman Alexie often snaps "that's personal" during interviews, yet the characters in his books and films closely follow his own life growing up on the Spokane Indian Reservation...

Beth Isaacson 9-01-2002
Two Roches and Zero Church

Leaving out my all-time favorites Carlos Santana and John Coltrane, whom I've written about for Sojourners, here are a few cultural artifacts I'm currently excited about.

Bethany Versluis 9-01-2002

"Fantasy is what people want, but reality is what they need.

Bob Hulteen 9-01-2002

What's the sound of a policy wonk clapping? I don't know.

Rose Marie Berger 9-01-2002

John H. Timmerman's incisive look at poet Jane Kenyon could use a snappier title because, more than a "literary life," it is a quintessential modern American spiritual journey.