Culture Watch

Wendy Doniger 5-01-2003

The ability to laugh, we know, is vital. To do so in the midst of terror and anxiety is even more important.

Molly Marsh 5-01-2003

What to Bring?

Shawnda Hines Eibl 5-01-2003

Be careful when you opt to wander off the beaten path; what you come across might change your direction altogether.

The Mekons: Part of the chain of holy warriors.

Molly Marsh 5-01-2003

Nine polite, well-dressed men and women walked into the Catonsville, Maryland, draft board office May 17, 1968, tussled briefly with staff members there...

Mark L. Taylor 3-01-2003

"We believe in heaven and that Tim is with God," says a Catholic woman who lost her husband in the 9-11 attacks.

Joan Chittister 3-01-2003

Struggle is a universal part of human experience, but hope—though hard to see in disappointing circumstances—is the other side of that coin.

Duane Shank 3-01-2003

The genius of American jazz is using an unexpected note or chord to add an element of surprise when the music goes where you least expect.

Molly Marsh 3-01-2003

Divine Music

The high cost of corporate radio.

Philip Morris is the public face of American tobacco.

Barry Moser 3-01-2003

I have just begun reading Donna Tartt's new novel The Little Friend...

Rose Marie Berger 3-01-2003

Yesterday I got a call from a friend I hadn't spoken with in more than a year. "I have to tell someone this," she said.

Elizabeth Palmberg 3-01-2003

One of the many and fruitful exaggerations in Yann Martel's Life of Pi is the assertion, made by a minor character, that Pi's story will "make you believe in God."

Judy Coode 3-01-2003

It's likely that the Nazi genocide of European Jews (along with Gypsies, homosexuals, and others considered ethnically or socially deficient) is the most well-documented...

Diana Ortiz 1-01-2003

Sister Dianna Ortiz was kidnapped and tortured by Guatemalan security forces in November 1989 while serving as a missionary there.

Molly Marsh 1-01-2003
An interview with Chris Hedges on our love affair with war.

The first time I played Waterdeep's new album for my housemates, they were up and dancing within seconds.

Bill Mallonee 1-01-2003

What are my favorite things for listening to, watching, and perusing? Well...

Ed Spivey Jr. 1-01-2003

Filmmaker Michael Moore loves to pick at the sores of America's self-delusions, and he's really good at it.