
Duane Shank 10-06-2010
As newspapers continue to shrink and reduce staff, too often the first to go are religion reporters.
Rachel Cohen 10-01-2010
This past Tuesday, five months and 5 million barrels of oil after the BP spill disaster began to devastate the eco- and economic systems of the Gulf Coast, the Obama administration launched the nex
Julie Clawson 10-01-2010
We have all heard the old saying that Satan's greatest ploy is to get people to stop believing in him.
Logan Isaac 9-30-2010

Last March I testified at the Truth Commission on Conscience in War (TCCW) at the Riverside Church in New York City.

Charles Gutenson 9-29-2010
Ah, the evils of "social justice"!
Adam Woods 9-28-2010
Nuclear policy typically moves at a glacial speed, with opportunities for progress few and far between.
John Dear 9-21-2010
[Editor's Note: Every once in a while there is a landmark court case for the cause of freedom and justice.
It is the time it takes to say the Lord's Prayer three times. Sixty seconds. One minute. On September 21, 2010, U.N.
Randy Woodley 9-02-2010
As you read this post, please understand, I'm not a pacifist. I was raised in a politically conservative family. My dad is a proud WWII vet. My only brother retired from the U.S. Air Force.
Jim Wallis 9-01-2010
The emotion that grips me this morning, after watching President Obama's speech last night and listening to the commentary about the "end of our combat mission in Iraq," is a deep sadness.
Jim Wallis 9-01-2010
Soldiers are dying for a failed, arrogant, theologically unjust, and immoral war policy.
Jeannie Choi 8-27-2010

Jon Stewart on Ground Zero. Revisiting the Lower Ninth Ward. The March on Washington. Here's a roundup of links from around the web you may have missed this week:

Duane Shank 8-11-2010
As reflection on the killing of ten aid workers from the International Assistance Mission (IAM) in Afghanistan continu
Just peace theory holds that peace can only come when the basic needs of people are met. This need includes health care.
Heather Wilson 8-09-2010

Ten more lives were lost in Afghanistan last week. Many people will likely say this danger is reason not to work in Afghanistan, yet I would disagree.

Duane Shank 8-06-2010
August 6, 1945. It was a sunny morning in the city of more than 300,000 people. Some were on their way to work, children were playing in the streets.
Logan Isaac 8-06-2010
Last weekend, Christian leaders and lay persons from all walks of life and just about every denominational body came together for the Peace Among the Peoples