
This Memorial Day, let us see and believe the just peace vision and give the full measure of our living devotion to bring into being a world where war is no more.

Jim Wallis 5-27-2010
The insurgent Tea Party and its Libertarian philosophy is a political phenomenon, not a religious one.
Duane Shank 5-25-2010
Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut attorney general and Senate candidate, got himself into hot water last week when news accoun
Tony Campolo 5-19-2010

I recently returned from a speaking engagement at the Bethlehem Bible College; and what I witnessed firsthand sent chills up my back. Listening to the horror stories told to me by oppressed Palestinians elicited feelings ranging from indignation to compassion.

David Cortright 5-18-2010
The nuclear fuel swap deal signed between Iran and Turkey and Brazil is a positive development that deserves U.S. support.
Cesar Baldelomar 5-17-2010
Arizona's lawmakers just keep finding ways to transform their xenophobia into law. First, they questioned whether Martin Luther King Jr. Day was a legitimate holiday.
Duane Shank 5-12-2010
Two recent news reports on the war in Afghanistan present a more complete story together.

Jim Wallis 5-10-2010
Yesterday I heard one of the best Mother's Day sermons I can remember. It was by the pastor at our family's church, Rev. Jeff Haggray of First Baptist Church in Washington, D.C.

Charlton Breen 5-10-2010
Psalm 94 is not my psalm, and perhaps it's not yours either. Psalm 8; Psalm 23; Psalm 100. They get a lot of air time because they really speak to us.
Ruth Hawley-Lowry 5-07-2010
Mother's Day is a challenge. While advertisements evoke misty eyed memories and quaint appreciation for mothers, the truth is that Mother's Day began as a call to action by Julia Ward Howe.
Duane Shank 5-05-2010
May 4, 1970 -- 40 years ago yesterday -- was the day protesting the war in Vietnam became serious.
Elizabeth Palmberg 4-23-2010
Activists are calling Sudan's recent elections "rigged" and demanding that the results not be mislabeled legitimate.
Jarrod McKenna 4-21-2010

This video clip by The Work of The People is going to upset a lot of people.


Josh Stieber 4-19-2010

Recently, Wikileaks, an online whistleblower site, released a video which was dubbed "Collateral Murder." I write as a former member of the Infantry c

Andrew Wilkes 4-16-2010
This semester at Princeton Seminary, I am taking a course on War and Christian Conscience.
Isaac Luria 4-16-2010
It's the age-old question. Who can claim to speak for American Jews on Israel?

World Jewish Congress president Ron Lauder seems to think he's found the answer. It's him.

What is the Tea Party position on war?

Jim Wallis 4-15-2010
Monday and Tuesday, President Obama hosted leaders from 46 other countries at a summit on nuclear weapons, focused on the threat of terrorists getting nuclear material.
Celestin Musekura 4-15-2010
Sudan's impending presidential and parliamentary elections have degenerated into a chaotic mixture of fraud accusations, boycotts, political assassinations, intimidation, abuses of power by the rul