
Simon Moyle 7-30-2010
The last month has seen six Australian soldiers killed in Afghanistan, bringing Australia's total to 17.
Nathan Schneider 7-28-2010

It's out: An enormous trove of documents about the war in Afghanistan yesterday appeared on Wikileaks (whose servers currently seem to be overwhelmed by the traffic) together with comprehensive report

Duane Shank 7-27-2010
This morning, I found a trifecta of three of my favorite op-ed writers in the papers.
Logan Isaac 7-27-2010
I've been staying with friends over the summer as I make my way slowly to North Carolina for divinity school, and I have been enjoying a few luxuries that I'm not used to, like television.
Back in the late '90s, when Y2K fears were running rampant, apocalyptic fantasies like Armageddon and End of Days burned up the box office.
Jim Wallis 7-22-2010
The famed Chautauqua Institution devoted this entire week to the theme of nuclear disarmament. It is a sign of the times.
Jarrod McKenna 7-09-2010
God gets at us in the funniest of ways. Just this week the Spirit stirred in me while reading an interview with one of my heroes, Vandana Shiva. The reporter from YES!
Debra Dean Murphy 7-07-2010
"You are sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked as Christ's own forever." (The Book of Common Prayer)
Logan Isaac 7-06-2010
This past Fourth of July weekend, I reflected on Kurt Willems' recent post, which had a lot of great po
Kurt Willems 7-02-2010
I want to start out this post with two huge disclaimers: What I am about to write may sound radical or irrational to some.
Jim Wallis 7-01-2010
After his unanimous approval by the Senate Armed Services Committee as the new Afghan war commander, General David Petraeus was pictured in The Washington Post with a broad smile and thu
Jeannie Choi 6-18-2010
Here's a little round-up of links from the web you may have missed this week:

Chris Rice 6-18-2010
We rarely slow down to create the sacred space needed to discern the "signs of the times" and who we are as Christians in this time of America.
Aaron Taylor 6-17-2010
Last night I googled the words "drone attacks Obama" to verify if President Obama has indeed increased unmanned http://www.sojo.net/index.cfm?action=magazine.article&issue=soj0908&amp
Jim Rice 6-11-2010
Sometimes it feels like there's hardly enough outrage to go around. I started this post to condemn the recent, well, outrageous, words of Helen Thomas.
There are times when there are no words. There are times when it seems that there is no hope for humankind, that our blindness to the things that make for peace is willful.
Julie Clawson 6-04-2010
The day after we here in the U.S. paused to remember the men and women who had died fighting for our country, the fight continued from beyond the grave.
Jim Rice 6-02-2010
Along with shooting nine peace activists during their attack on the peace flotilla this week, Israeli commandos may have shot themselves in the foot