
Julie Clawson 1-26-2011
I just recently became aware of a discussion that grew out of the Third Lausanne International Congress on World Evangelism in Cape Town this past October.
Cathleen Falsani 1-25-2011

Some of my dearest friends are gay.

Most of my dearest friends are Christians.

And more than a few of my dearest friends are gay Christians.

My grandfather taught me that "There is magic and meaning in every moment." These words were passed down to him from his grandfather, and from his grandfather's grandfather, and I witness the truth of those words with my eyes every day. I have come to realize that as Shakespeare wrote, they are "upon me proved." As an undocumented immigrant, I do not need to be accepted into your terrestrially timed nation-state to be the human I was created to be. My life trajectory has a destiny and fate that is not controlled by the powers of empire. As my grandfather taught me, I am sure that there is magic and meaning in my life. Love is what brought me into this world, and it is by compassion and grace that I was raised. I am done begging, sitting, waiting, and crying at your doorstep.

Sheldon Good 1-24-2011
Environmentalism is "deadly." It is "one of the greatest deceptions of our day," "striving to put America and the world under its destructive control" and "seducing your children." It is a dangerou
Lillian Daniel 1-21-2011
People tend to approach each New Year with optimism, but the latest news about unemployment was not particularly encouraging.
Recently, I read an article featuring a pastor with whom I had strong disagreements. The more I read, the less I liked -- and it was a long article.
Chris Kromm 1-18-2011
The tragic Arizona shootings have sparked debate over an important question: What's the connection between violent political rhetoric
Julie Clawson 1-18-2011
My daughter came home from school recently with a worksheet that described life before and after Martin Luther King Jr.
Jim Wallis 1-11-2011

The horrible shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and others is an important American moment.

Becky Garrison 1-10-2011

I welcomed in the New Year in Tucson, Arizona with the kind folks of the Restoration Project

[Editors' note: Below is a hymn written by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette lamenting gun violence. We hope you find it helpful in light of the shootings in Arizona.]


Jim Wallis 1-10-2011

The shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, the young Congresswoman from Arizona, must speak to the soul of this nation.

Eugene Cho 1-06-2011
Yesterday morning, I arrived at Q Cafe as I do on nearly every work morning to begin a new day.
Half a million messages. That's how many our most engaged Sojourners activists sent on behalf of important justice issues in 2010.
Samuel Nichols 1-04-2011

For nearly six years, the Palestinian residents of the West Bank village of Bil'in have held a weekly nonviolent demonstration against the separation wall -- a barrier cutting through large portions of

Jerica Arents 1-04-2011
"Tell them to come and see who we are." Almost every Afghan we met said that. Tell them to come and see.
Sheldon Good 1-04-2011
Sunday school. It was one of the main reasons I enjoyed church as a child. As a young adult, it sometimes still is. But there's a conversation brewing: Does Sunday school have a future?
Brian McLaren 1-03-2011

I recently received a note from a pastor and missionary we'll call Pete.