
Elizabeth Palmberg 1-20-2010
The Enough Project's recent report about conflict minerals in Congo highlights how the "resource curse" (as desc

Epiphany has passed as well as Coptic Christmas earlier in January. A beautifully carved olive wood figure I bought in Bethlehem a couple of years ago titled "The Flight to Egypt" is the last of my Christmas decorations.

Whether or not Robertson had malicious intentions when he declared that Haiti's tragic history was the result of a "pact with the devil" made by early leaders of the revolt against their French col

Brian McLaren 1-12-2010

Parker Palmer, in a beautiful and important essay called "The Broken-Open Heart: Living with Faith and Hope in the Tragic Gap," speaks of our need to overcome "the primitive brain":

While the situation in Sudan remains dire (and could worsen as the country faces volatile elections this spring), Christians can celebrate a recent story of hope: the first major U.S.
Melvin Bray 1-05-2010
"'Tell me what distinguishes the murderer at Fort Hood, the people we arrested in Denver and Detroit and New York, and the five people who were just picked up in Pakistan?'" Former House Speaker Ne
Jarrod McKenna 12-29-2009
Sad news from Sydney as a headline for the ABC read, "Abusive letter suspect 'a peace activist'".
Jim Wallis 12-23-2009

We first published this reflection by Jim Wallis in 2002. It has since become our Christmas tradition, kind of our own Charlie Brown Christmas special, if you will. With the ongoing conflicts raging during each passing year, it remains tragically relevant, particularly this year as we think about Afghanistan.

Aaron Taylor 12-22-2009
I didn't get a chance to watch Barack Obama's Nobel speech live, but I've read the transcript and found very little in the speech that couldn't have been given by any number of past presidents-incl
Phil Haslanger 12-21-2009

For much of the world, the heart of Bethlehem is found down a narrow stairway in a small cave area under a huge church where a 14-pointed silver star marks the spot that, for at least 17 centuries, Christians have honored as the place where Jesus was born.

Multiple Authors 12-21-2009
Advent is with us again, calling us to reflect and review, and the Sojourners policy team wants to thank you for walking with us in 2009.
Brian McLaren 12-18-2009
As I suggested in my previous post, I was troubled by some elements of the president'
Brian McLaren 12-17-2009
The president's campaign speech in Philadelphia on race and his speech earlier this year to the Muslim world from Egypt were, in my mind, two of the most important presidential speeches of my lifet
Jarrod McKenna 12-17-2009
What if? What if Obama's speech had not simply referenced Gandhi and King but followed them in following the way of Jesus?
I was saddened by our president's acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize. He missed a chance to witness to courage and leadership. True, Mr.
Jim Wallis 12-14-2009
President Obama laid out a moral defense of the use of force in his acceptance speech in Oslo
Katrina Abarcar 12-11-2009
For many of us in the U.S., the sometimes vicious attack ads of last year's presidential election are more than just a recent memory.
If all we notice in President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Lecture is a justification of war, we will miss the 21st<
LaVonne Neff 12-09-2009

The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
--William Butler Yeats, from "The Second Coming"