
Just peace theory proceeds from the premise that peace is a day by day effort. It is a process that requires vision, skill, and courage.
Becky Garrison 10-09-2009
When covering film festivals, I find I have to be careful not to see too many war-themed flicks in rapid succession.
Aaron Taylor 10-07-2009
A few days ago I received a mass e-mail from the ACLJ. For those who don't get their daily dose of Christian talk radio, ACLJ stands for the American Center for Law and Justice.


Ryan Rodrick Beiler 10-05-2009

Argentinian singer Mercedes Sosa died yesterday. I don't know much about her life, so you can join me in reading her Wikipedia entry. But what I do know is that she's one of the best-known performers of Leon Gieco's heart-rending anti-war song, "Sólo le Pido a Dios."

Cesar Baldelomar 9-29-2009
As a struggling Catholic, the uproar and division caused by conservative U.S.
Becky Garrison 9-28-2009

Fans of gonzo political activism may remember the Yes Men's infamous stunt in which Andy Bichlbaum posed as a Dow Chemical spokesperson named Jude (patron saint of the impossible) Finisterra (earth's end).

In the nuclear security business, it's a good day when nothing goes wrong. It's a great day when something goes right.
Just peace theory is the middle way between pacifism and just war theory. It recognizes the moral force of nonviolence and the goal of a world that solves its disputes through nonviolent means.
Jim Wallis 9-24-2009
President Barack Obama delivered his http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/24/us/politics/24prexy.text.html?pagewant..." href="https://sojo.net/%3Ca%20href%3D"http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/24/us/politics/24prexy">http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/24/us/politics/24prexy
Becky Garrison 9-23-2009
To commemorate the International Day of Peace (September 21st), I had the opportunity to attend a screening of the documentary Pray the Devil Bac
Arthur Waskow 9-23-2009

During these days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Jews are called on to reexamine our own actions -- our "missings of the mark." The emphasis is on OUR sins -- not those of individuals alone, but of the community -- and the sins of ourselves, not of other people, even our en

"If [state officials and the paramilitary groups] knew what we were telling you, we would be riddled with bullets as soon as we walked out that door."

Andrew Clouse 9-21-2009
Earlier this morning Radio Globo -- a pro-resistance radio source -- broke the news that Manuel "Mel" Zelaya, the deposed president of Honduras, has arrived in Tegucigalpa and was calling his suppo
Julie Clawson 9-16-2009
I spent some time this summer visiting my parents in Taos, NM, and while doing all the touristy things there, I couldn't help but encounter stories of the history of the place that truly made me th
My mother-in-law saw Leonard Cohen live in her native Norway this summer. She sent me this YouTube clip so I could have a taste.
Phil Haslanger 9-09-2009

Just the basic facts about Anna Baltzer make her a provocative presence. She's a 30-year-old Jewish-American woman who is arguing passionately for justice for Palestinians.

Elizabeth Palmberg 9-01-2009
Two great ideas from former Sen. John Danforth, an Episcopal priest and Republican from Missouri who served in the U.S. Senate for nearly two decades, are under fire.
Logan Isaac 8-31-2009
I recently received a reply or two on my last blog post, regarding Sgt.