
Aaron Taylor 6-01-2011
I was raised in a charismatic megachurch that prided itself in being "non-religious." Our pastor thought of himself as a grace preacher, and in many ways he was.
Brian McLaren 5-13-2011
On my personal blog, I traced my journey on the issue of homosexuality and explored the cha
Jim Wallis 5-09-2011

Some controversy has arisen about an ad campaign that a new coalition wanted to run in Sojourners on the issue of the LGBTQ community and the church. We chose not to run the ad as this is an issue we want to openly discuss on and through our editorial pages and not through our ad space. Like the larger church, Sojourners' constituency, board, and staff are not of one mind on all of these issues. However, we at Sojourners seek to foster honest, fair, and loving dialogue among Christians. LGBTQ issues may not be our primary calling as our work against poverty and hunger, and for peace, but based on some reactions to our decision, I want to use this as an opportunity to clarify the positions and practices of Sojourners on this important discussion on the life of the church in the early 21st centur

I was in the middle of a degree in biblical and theological studies when one of my close friends told me she was gay. She didn't last long at her church after coming out to her small group.
Betsy Shirley 2-22-2011

A few weeks ago, I got a free sermon on the metro.

Cathleen Falsani 1-25-2011

Some of my dearest friends are gay.

Most of my dearest friends are Christians.

And more than a few of my dearest friends are gay Christians.

Nadia Bolz-Weber 1-20-2011
At the baptism of our Lord, heaven simply could not contain God Godself and God the Spirit who interrupt the regularly scheduled programming to bring a very important message.
Jim Wallis 10-21-2010
My mother used to give us kids two instructions:

"After more than 50 years in the military and politics, I am still amazed to see how upset people can get over nothing.
Ronald J. Sider 9-23-2010

This summer, while at my favorite lake in Maine, I read Andrew Marin's powerful book,

Sojourners has great articles, and advocates for people whom no one else will advocate for. But I will not be renewing my subscription.

Thank you for printing the eloquent letter from Nancy Cannon in the February 2010 issue.

Brian McLaren 3-01-2010

The Manhattan Declaration’s harder challenge.

Kathy Khang 2-23-2010
Would you be interested in getting to know someone if all you knew about her was what she didn't do?

Brian McLaren 2-04-2010
What kind of place will gay people have in our society? The debate rages on--in the military as well as the church.
Nancy Cannon 2-01-2010

Despite my great respect for Sojourners magazine and its staff, I find myself disappointed, once again, as I scan the pages of the magazine.

Aaron Taylor 12-11-2009
As a career missionary to Africa, I fear what would happen to me on judgment day if I didn't speak out against what is happening in Uganda right now in the name of Christ.
Jim Wallis 12-11-2009
There are times in the "culture wars" when a very diverse group of religious leaders can come together across the political spectrum in a common cause.
Cesar Baldelomar 11-03-2009
President Obama and his administration were busy this past Friday.