
Kevin Lum 5-08-2009
Historically, the number of individuals who say they have no religious affiliation in America ranges between 5-10%, but a new poll conducted by Robert Putnam (of
Jim Wallis 5-07-2009
There were some remarkable outcomes to last week's Mobilization to End Poverty, with nearly 50 sponsors an
Mimi Haddad 5-04-2009
Many of you have attended a class at church designed to help you discern your spiritual gifts.
Elizabeth Palmberg 4-29-2009
Live from the halls of the Mobilization, here are a few more quotes about faith and justice work from some of the fantastic people who are here!

Jim Wallis 4-27-2009
Last night, the Mobilization to End Poverty began with the over 1,100 faith leaders and activists gathered together from across the country.
Angela Whitenhill 4-24-2009

This piece was written as a personal testimony as to how we can use scripture to liberate us from mental and physical bondage. Through the Eyes of the Beholder is dedicated to all of us who struggle with insecurities; that we may know how to alter our perceptions to see ourselves and others through God's eyes.

Mimi Haddad 4-24-2009

Do you find yourself reluctant to attend women's retreats because they tend to focus on things like fashion, women's emotions, crafts, and new forms of stomach exercises?

Jim Wallis 4-23-2009
Sunday evening the Mobilization to End Poverty will begin.
Cesar Baldelomar 4-22-2009
We are at a global turning point.
Shane Claiborne 4-21-2009

"Good" Friday was real good this year. We remembered Jesus, and we remembered Jesus disguised in the "least of these" -- those who continue to be tortured, spit on, slapped, insulted, misunderstood

Sharon Hanshaw 4-21-2009

I am a native of Biloxi, Mississippi. To the rest of the world, we are the left behind communities. I thank God on a daily basis that I have the family I have. My father was a Baptist preacher that walked the walk and not just talked the talk. That is a rare jewel that we as people don't see a lot of.

Diana Butler Bass 4-21-2009
"Progressive" has become the adjective of choice to describe faith communities with commitments to justice, serving the poor, and environmentalism.
Brian McLaren 4-16-2009

I've written a lot on Palestine and Gaza in recent years. Any of us who travel (or read) know that peace in the world can't be separated from peace in Israel -- peace for Jews, and peace for Muslim and Christian Palestinians.

We cannot avoid death and taxes. Our own death is an event that we only face once.
Cathleen Falsani 4-09-2009

Walking in botanical gardens one recent, perfect, early spring day, a quick burst of movement in the thicket of a yellow Carolina jasmine hedge caught my eye.

Andy Clasper 4-08-2009
The group of 20 leading and emerging nations met at the Excel Centre in London's Docklands last week in a meeting which Gordon Brown heralded as the dawning of a new world order.
Sharon Watkins 4-07-2009

Some might say that this is the worst possible time to have a Mobilization to End Poverty. An elder of a church I served once told me, "You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their checkbook register

Dave Donaldson 4-06-2009
I've been asked to comment on churches that are more conservative, predominantly evangelical, and how they are coalescing around poverty reduction.
In this season of Lent, we often reflect on our need for greater humility as we seek to follow Christ on the road to Calvary.