
Sheldon Good 10-23-2009
Climate change has become a major worldwide grassroots movement -- one that doesn't acknowledge geographic or sociological borders.
Victoria Hicks 10-20-2009

"It's time."

"Dallas needs this."

Those are the two statements Aaron Graham (Sojourners' Justice Revival Coordinator) and I heard over and over again as we visited pastors and other community leaders all over the city, lifting up the vision of a Dallas Justice Revival.

Ernesto Tinajero 10-20-2009
Imagine trying to figure out the earth, while living on a grain of sand on a small island in the middle of the Pacific. What could be known of snow, of plants, of wolves? Not much.
Jose Morales 10-14-2009
What is at the core of the immigration issue? What is the driving force of the debate? I say it is fear.

Jeannie Choi 10-01-2009

In an age of quick and easy fame, where reality stars are more popular than actual actors, it's always refreshing to find an artist quietly making genuinely beautiful music with little to no regard for fame.

Cathleen Falsani 9-28-2009
If there had been a way to power-wash my brain, I would have done it.

There is some good conversation going around God's Politics partner blogs about what role race is playing in the current wave of opposition to Obama's policies, including Rep.
Becky Garrison 9-23-2009
To commemorate the International Day of Peace (September 21st), I had the opportunity to attend a screening of the documentary Pray the Devil Bac
Jim Wallis 9-03-2009
I have never really trusted those who are intolerant and condemning of other people's shortcomings. It makes me suspect they are likely hiding their own.
Brian McLaren 9-03-2009
Fans (and critics) of either man should read this speech -- from the late Sen. Kennedy, delivered back in 1983 at the late Jerry Falwell's (now) Liberty University.
Leah Garrett 8-27-2009
This week many of you heard the story of Sam.* Sam was a 21-year-old young man from a hard-working family. Over the course of several weeks in July he experienced extreme stomach pains.
Evidence of Sen. Ted Kennedy's bipartisan bridge-building: On Oct. 3, 1983, he addressed Rev.
Jim Wallis 8-26-2009

In the aftermath of the 2004 presidential election, the Democrats were roundly accused of losing the "moral values voters" in America, and of being the party of "secularists" who were hostile to faith and religion.

Mimi Haddad 8-24-2009

Does it seem curious to you that when the issue of leadership in the church is discussed, gender is frequently cited as a primary element to consider?

Lisa Sharon Harper 8-18-2009
I recently wrote and performed a spoken-word poem for the Transformational Development (TD) Conference at Eastern University, co-sponsored by Eastern and Food for the Hungry.
Kevin Lum 8-11-2009
Jim Wallis and other faith leaders from across America kicked off "40 Days for Health Reform"
Jim Wallis 8-11-2009
Last Thursday, I wrote about truth-