Sojourners Magazine: December 2017
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There's no place like home for the holidays, the adage goes, but sometimes returning to our roots is complicated. In the December cover story, Heidi Thompson sheds light on the opioid crisis that is currently ravaging her hometown in Trumbull County, Ohio. There, churches across the theological spectrum are offering whatever they can to help relieve the suffering of a community reeling from addiction.
Cover Story
In June, Bishop Ed Malesic of Greensburg, Pa., released “A Pastoral Letter on the Drug Abuse Crisis: From Death and Despair to Life and Hope.”
Northeast Ohio, like much of the Rust Belt, has been ravaged by unemployment, hopelessness, and opioid addiction. Churches there are responding with help and hope.
We decided to talk together across the political divide. The apocalypse didn't ensue.
A model for addiction recovery emerges in the Pacific Northwest
Why I train future business leaders to see the common good as part of their bottom line.
In a profit-driven world, B Corporations offer a refreshingly holistic--and practical--alternative.
North Korea's nuclear threats seem insane, but we ignore the broader context at our peril.
Culture Watch
Reading can help us grapple with the truth that the world is a very unequal place.
I was reading "The Inferno" at my father's bedside as he was on his way toward paradise.
Contemporary movies are more psychologically nuanced and sociologically diverse than ever.
Modern Death: How Medicine Changed the End of Life, by Haider Warraich. St. Martin’s Press.
The Islamic Jesus: How the King of the Jews Became a Prophet of the Muslims, by Mustafa Akyol. St. Martin's Press.
Love in a Time of Climate Change: Honoring Creation, Establishing Justice, by Sharon Delgado. Fortress Press.
During the holidays, many of us go home. But home can be a tricky place these days.
We await the return of Jesus and prepare for it by revisiting the story of his first coming.
“One of the most momentous events of the past century was, in fact, an accident, a semicomical and bureaucratic mistake.”
It was a welcome endeavor, because we were confused about how they really felt.
Just as we believe in racial justice and environmental justice, so too we believe in health-care justice.
Eradicating white supremacy requires interrogating our theology.