This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: July 1993

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Cover Story


Jesus confronts blindness and the fear of death.
Feminism in the past, present, and future of Nicaragua.
Closing Subic has left many in Olongapo with an uncertain future.


Facing the challenge of building a faith-based movement for justice that celebrates all people.
The eagle on the red and black banner of the United Farm Workers union can be likened to the Aztec deity, Quetzacoatl, the plumed, phoenix-like serpent-god that dies descending into the Earth, only
It is time to listen to one another in the debate over abortion rights
Against the media storm of combatting the "Islamic threat"
The National Service Trust Act of 1993


What we want and when we want it
Rep. Tony Hall fasts for hunger reform
Civil rights in Brevard, North Carolina
Quick vanilla milkshake

Culture Watch

What hearing people have to learn from the deaf community 
Arrested Development stitches the sounds of city and country
Celebrating the Celtic Tradition
Knee-deep in the matters of life
Poets as witnesses to the unseen


Citizens Against Racism in Eerie, Newport News trespassers, and more updates from on-the-ground activists
Lectionary notes for July's readings
The moon is bright/so are the hearts of my people.
Praise thee and clap thy hand/For a wonderful God has created this land.
I have a special walk/a special kind of mind
The massive civil rights March on Washington, D.C., in April was a chance for many gay and lesbian Christians not only to take a public stand for human rights...
I had the blues when I took off my shoes/Then I put them back on.
Prayer binds a community together. Sharing in common what Latinos call "our solid moments before God" provides the glue needed to keep community going.
I am thankful for my heart...