Sojourners Magazine: November-December 1998
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Cover Story
How Christians and Muslims navigate the road ahead will have profound consequences for both communities--and for the world.
Office of Interfaith Relations at the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
The book of Isaiah is like a great fugue, always advancing to fresh statements, at the same time continually returning to pick up and restate themes already sounded.
Bethel New Life creates a place for God's people on Chicago's West Side.
The U.S. government is telling us that we have entered a new war, one that may last for
years, even decades. If that is so, we are beginning with the wrong strategy.
Many of those present for Bill Clinton’s prayer breakfast repentance were moved. Unlike his August 17 address to the nation, this speech was contrite enough to convince.
Ecology does not begin and end with the human, but it certainly includes us. All other
beings share the planet and the cosmos with us, and we with them.
For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish.
Film stardom is an elusive dream for most, including even yours truly, whom many have
credited with talents well-suited for the big screen.
Sometimes self-knowledge can be gleaned from the most unlikely of sources. From a glimpse of sunset, or a chance reading of a poem. Or, say, from a 14-year-old Japanese girl.
Culture Watch
An inordinate number of family members, friends, and friends’ family members have died in the last month.
One key criteria in selecting Christian education curricula, as this article outlines,
is the relating of theological thought and everyday experiences.
A spectre is haunting Europe...." So begins The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Those words were true when The Manifesto first appeared in 1848.
What if they gave a protest and nobody came? The organizer of a new Web site wants to
make sure that doesnt happen, and so has launched Protest.Net (www.
The terrorist bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the subsequent U.S.
Lt. William Calley was convicted for his role in leading the 1968 massacre of Vietnamese civilians at My Lai. His conviction was later overturned by Judge Robert Elliott.
The former owners of a nuclear processing plant in Pennsylvania were ordered by a federal jury to pay $36.5 million in damages for a rash of cancer cases near the plant.
For many Christian churches, having women in pastoral leadership is the norm. For a Catholic parish in New York, it’s apparently a firing offense.