For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? - Esther 4:14
Mordecai's not so subtle advice to Esther was that she had been chosen to go to the king and plead for the lives of her people. It was her specific, God-given assignment that could have eventually been fulfilled by someone else, but was meant for her. The principle that everyone has a calling and purpose is just as true today as it was then.
Today, young adults in the church have unprecedented opportunities to make significant impact in the church and in society at large. Many already are heeding Christ's call on their lives to fulfill his purposes. However, in some cases what God calls us to do may not be easy, convenient, or conventional. It usually requires a substantial degree of commitment, sacrifice, and of course faith. Despite hearing the call to participate in a certain ministry, many young adults are paralyzed by doubts and never move from their comfort zones into areas where God can use their gifts and talents. Instead of maturing and putting their faith into action, they stop short of reaching their potential. Three factors often hinder people from achieving what God has for them: fear, inexperience, and procrastination.
Fear. Fear is a paralyzing force that has kept many ministries on the drawing board. Usually those things we most fear never actually occur. However, the longer we hesitate the more we ponder how we could fail. Taking action, whether or not it's successful at the outset, provides invaluable experience and courage.