Sojourners Magazine: May-June 2003
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Cover Story
A conservative Republican asks: What would happen if there were no profit in drugs?
Over the years, churches have had a lot to say about alcohol and drug policy. Some of it has been helpful.
Our jails overflow with nonviolent drug offenders. Have we reached the point where the drug war causes more harm than the drugs themselves?
Educating change agents for social justice is not the same as encouraging increased volunteerism on campus.
The Gallery at the American Bible Society in New York City recently presented "Reflections on Glass: 20th Century Stained Glass in American Art and Architecture."
Building international and cross-cultural knowledge.
A powerful new tool for strengthening the mission of the church.
What would Jesus do? Turn the police horses into bunnies.
Culture Watch
On Feb. 9, 2003, Orion magazine took out a full-page advertisement on page five of The New York Times.
It's hard to imagine a noteworthy book about the civil rights movement that doesn't include the powerful ingredients of religion and faith.
Be careful when you opt to wander off the beaten path; what you come
across might change your direction altogether.
Nine polite, well-dressed men and women walked into the Catonsville, Maryland, draft board office May 17, 1968, tussled briefly with staff members there...
The ability to laugh, we know, is vital. To do so in the midst of
terror and anxiety is even more important.
Jonathan Schell, author of such highly acclaimed books as The Fate of the Earth and The Gift of Time, has now written perhaps his most important work
EvangeCube slaps the entire mystery of salvation on a Rubik-style cube, enabling instant conversions in friends, family, and neighbors. Flip one way and you'll see our fall from grace.
By the time you read this, the snow in Washington, D.C., will have melted, we think.
Despite Jesus' greeting to the disciples, the weeks following his resurrection are
anything but peaceful for the struggling community.
I STRONGLY agree with Gerald Schlabach's commentary ("We Pledge Allegiance...") on allegiance and the issue of loyalty—will it be to Jesus or to some political figure?
For years activists have called attention to the plight of the
Palestinians through protests, teach-ins, and seminars.
Pro-life demonstrators protested the D.C. government's use of surveillance cameras during the January March for Life
It's a partnership that reads like a parable: Invest some talents around springtime, trust the farmer to sow good seed, then bring home the harvest all summer long.
The San Francisco-based Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance received a $1 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to fight HIV/AIDS in Malawi, Africa.
Rachel Corrie, 23, of Olympia, Washington, was killed March 16 when she was run over by
an Israeli military bulldozer, moments after the photo at right was taken.
For too long civic participation in the arts has been viewed as the domain of the
wealthy, but a new study by the Urban Institute suggests otherwise.
IN THE March-April 2003 issue, there were many compelling arguments
against the war in Iraq.
Go to the Cyclops, to their metalworks, to buy your armaments—
In January, Maine Interfaith Power and Light—an electricity-purchasing group rooted in the faith community—announced the availability of two green electricity options for homeowners in Maine.
I THOROUGHLY enjoyed the article by Peter Ackerman and Jack DuVall
("With Weapons of the Will," September-October 2002).
Healing Hope. Family members of Sept. 11 victims traveled on a peace
mission to Iraq in January.
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WILLIAM H. GATES Sr. and Chuck Collins are clear and persuasive in their January-February article "Tax the Rich?"
Eighty-six human rights advocates from across the United States were tried in January and February in federal court for nonviolent civil disobedience
When public high schools opened their doors last fall, military
recruiters lined up to get personal student data.
Two years of economic slowdown has pushed the number of unemployed to
new heights worldwide, according to a recent study by the International Labor Office.