I THOROUGHLY enjoyed the article by Peter Ackerman and Jack DuVall ("With Weapons of the Will," September-October 2002). It helped me to understand why so many people have such difficulty with the nonviolent resistance theology. A lot of Christians I talk to have a mindset that the only way to stop Saddam Hussein is to bomb the smithereens out of his country and kill countless numbers of civilians, all in the name of God and helping the poor, defenseless people of Iraq. They say, "What else can we do?"
As Ackerman and DuVall so succinctly pointed out, there is a lot that we and the Iraqi people can do. How sad that we cannot see past the quick-fix solution of war. We should be doing everything in our power to support the Iraqi people's power to take back their right to self-determination and self-government. Nonviolent resistance action takes time and patience, both of which our government seems to have run out of.
Theresa Miller
Gillette, Wyoming
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